Incontinence and UTIs


Staff member
I was curious if being incontinent puts you at greater risk for having UTIs? If so, any prevention tips? Thank you!
I have had several urinary track infections. I have two non obstructive kidney stones in my right kidney. I have crap going on in my mouth, my left knee has inflammation and my right shoulder is healing from shoulder surgery. I have a lot of little things wrong with me which I would like to get fixed.
BarbaraDrabek said:
I have had several urinary track infections. I have two non obstructive kidney stones in my right kidney. I have crap going on in my mouth, my left knee has inflammation and my right shoulder is healing from shoulder surgery. I have a lot of little things wrong with me which I would like to get fixed.

I hope they can fix it for you soon, that sounds extremely frustrating.
I never had UTI until later middle age and my night time incontinence.
Then I started having UTI frequently if I was consuming more sugar than normal in a short period.
I stumbled on a product that is a probiotic for women that I started and it is AMAZING. I feel it stopped UTI I felt forming(you get used to that uncomfortable pre Uti feeling)
It makes me regular and more energetic.
I 5hought probiotic s were a placebo but apparently not.
It's called Provitalize by

And am not a health food eater .
Thanks, I used to take a probiotic and stopped because I read where eating yogurt and other pro probiotic food is much healthily and effective. I will check this out. thanks for the information May914. Blessings-Stay well, I know sugar is not good for us for a lot of reasons.
Hi @Koigal, I may be wrong but the only connection there may be between UTIs and incontinence is when you're incontinent you may tend to drink less water in order to not aggravate incontinence. That probably goes without saying. BUT....if you don't drink enough, you could not only get dehydrated but having less activity in the bladder as a result of that I would think could trigger more infections. I think drinking an adequate supply of water daily would flush out bladder and kidneys more and would not encourage infections so much. That would seem logical to me. So the best prevention is probably the easiest to follow.....drink an adequate amount of water.
@billliveshere Thank you. That is really good advice considering sugar is everywhere, and we are tempted to not drink much water to take less breaks.
It is easier said than done. I try to stay away from sugar and drink more water4. I go to the bathroom more so be it.I do try to cook more at home. It is cheaper and healthier. Try to ad close to the ground ad possible. Blessings Barb
Actually I’ve had far fewer UTIs (none) since I became incontinent. Maybe that’s because I haven’t dated since it started.
It is hard to date when one has to go to the bathroom all the time. I like staying at home. Nice to fine someone who has the same issues as you do. IT is a lot easier.
@BarbaraDrabek I’ve never met someone in-person my age (45) who has incontinence. Maybe by the time I’m 65-70 I can try to date men who’ve had prostatectomies 🤣

And you’re right; dating is a lot of work.
I have met a few women older than me by 10 years who had the same issues as me. It was very refreshing before my move to have people who understand these issues.It is actually more common than you would guess, people just choose to keep quiet about it but it isn't a big deal.
@snow funny one never knows. You might meet someone your age who has it who isn't a drunk or doesn't smoke. It is hard. I feel if we take care of our bodies. We should be OK. One never knows. It is hard. You might meet someone who has other issues and understands. If someone has had great health all their life. I feel sometimes they don't get it. Until one goes though something personally they don't get it truly.
I actually have to pick and choose every day between drinking fluids or eating foods. My whole GI tract is fubar if you will. I have very severe Bloating that actually makes me look 9mos preganent 24/7. This causes me to have to choose fluid intake or nutrition not both as my stomach gets filled fast i:e theres not enough room for both.

So ive made a band-aid to help but its definetly not a cure and not very healthy but it works for now, my GI Dr. advised me the other day that what im doing isnt healthy and is only a temperary band-aid. Dr. also went on to say im a good candidate for a j&j-g-feeding tubes to make things more healthy.

Heres what works for me for hydration is to take a day and drink nothing but fluids like water ,tea ,fruit juices including cranberry juice.

Then take a day of eating small snacks of foods.

Then rinse & repeat .

or i also keep an eye on my urine color if its light yello to almost clear im good on hydration , the darker yellow the urine is the more dehydrated i am, this indicates more hydration is needed.

I had cervical spine neck surgery in march of this year, a foley catheter was placed the day after surgery, the whole afternoon , evening , over night i had to be intermittent cathed every 2 hours to drain my bladder until the morning after surgery when the foley was placed and was sent home with it a few hours later. I had the foley for 4 months with monthly changes. it was removed at the end of june and about 3 weeks later i became mildly incontent and 2 weeks later moderately to now severe urinary incont.

Now im wearing briefs 24/7.
Hi @BarbaraDrabek, that was very well put!! I totally agree that until someone goes through a health issue that you have they just don't get it!!! And that goes for someone who has had great health all of his or her life. And given that we in general now have longer lifespans, are there many who can make that claim??? I think the longer you live the more likely you are to have some kind of a health issue crop up. And for those who will look at you and chuckle, "it won't happen to me! It always happens to the other guy!" Well they are just kidding themselves and when reality jumps up to bite them then it truly is a rude awakening!!! But I think just about all of us here have had our awakening and we are the better for it for knowing how to deal with it and being more empathetic to those who are beginning the part of their journey where they have to address their health issues.
And @snow, chances are you may have already met someone (in person) your age who has incontinence but they handle it in their own private way and have chosen not to tell anyone about it.
I haven’t had a uti since I had my SPC. I felt like death when I’ve had them though. I think I had one uti from the time of my accident when my incontienence started to the time I got my SPC and then none after I had it taken out.
I had a friend who is in her late 70s who was in the hospital with UTI for 5 days. I guess it made me realized how dangerous they can be. Just saying we need to be careful.
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