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I am a 67 year old mother of three and one was 9 lbs 13 oz and one was 9 lbs 2 oz. After having them I had stress and urge incontinence and overactive bladder, but not terrible. In 1996 I had a hysterectomy and bladder lift. It helped with stress incontinence but in some ways made urge incontinence worse. Some time ago my doctor put me on oxybutynin. I made the best of it, but beginning about ten years ago I had my first UTI. Now I have as many as five or six a year. Oxybutynin gives me a dry mouth so I drink a lot of water. Then urge incont gets worse. I started wearing incont pads and now wonder if they increase number of UTIs. I am at the end of my rope. Urologist had me have a CT scan today and I see him next week. Any insights?