Incontinence after Prostate Surgery


Staff member
So it's been 5 months since my surgery to remove my prostate due to cancer. I leak like crazy. I use about a dozen pads a day and 2 underwear diapers. I keep reading that it is going to get better but it doesn't seem to be get there. Everyone says Are you doing your kegel excersices? I don't do them everyday and haven't seen any progress to make me want to do them. I read it could take up to a year before it gets better. Anyone a year out and have any good news to share? Let me know and Thanks!
I feel for you. I am 5 years from my cancer surgery.
There is hope. It’s called an Artificial Urinary Sphincter.
See a urologist and see if you’re a candidate. I get mine activated next Monday and I’ve heard great things about it. Stay tuned.
Don’t be discouraged. There is hope, one way or another.
I was leaking very heavy for the first few months. all of a sudden it dropped to 1 or 2 pads. I have been to physical therapy 3 times. a year and a half latter i still leak 1 to 2 pads. I a, frustrated.
I'm also 5 years post prostatectomy. I wear diapers 24/7. I had control issues prior to my prostatectomy,and now with heart failure, recent back surgery along with a number of other health issues a 75 year old man can have I refuse to have anymore invasive procedures unless life threatening. It took time, but I'm getting use to my "new normal"
OK, you asked for some good news.... I can't say this will be your experience, but for me the leaking was very bad for four months; - then not so bad for another four months -- then gradually better. Now I am 13 months post- surgery; - no leaking overnight or during the day until after dinnertime == then very slight leaking/dribbles until bedtime. I use a small pad during the day; and a small pad overnight just in case, but that one is almost always dry. I'm very satisfied and I'm not bothered by this amount of leaking. Hang in there! It usually gets better. (Even the ED is slowly getting better but that's a different story)....
I'm twelve years post-op and would normally be a three liner per day guy. However.....after several years of development and testing by many in this group, my engineer partner and I have an aid now patent pending. Literally, in the last month we have finally got the product that was envisioned so long ago. It's a sleeve-like external aid of soft silicone with a protrusion at the bottom that impedes leakage. Unlike every product presently available, it can be worn 24/7, if desired. If you'd like more info and would consider joining our test group, send me a private note. I should say, I now use a single liner every 2-3 days. Best wishes. DG
I'm just over two years since my prostatectomy. Still going through two to three pads/day depending on my level of activity. Looking into the sling procedure.
5 1/2 years from my prostatectomy and still leak 24/7 and have to live with it…doctor had trouble reattaching my urethra to my bladder…took an hour when should only take about 10 minutes..resulting in damage to sphincter muscle etc…

I had/have option to try the AUS but decided against any more invasive surgery without a guarantee that it will solve problem…

I use the Afex system from Arcusmed

Good luck…hopefully you heal without needing to use… I’m 77 1/2 and retired so I am not encumbered with work etc…😎
It will be two years this November since radical prostatectomy and I am still using two to three pads per day and usually one disposable brief, but no overnight leakage. Most of my leaks are due to stress incontinence. I have been to PT, done my Kegels, yada, yada.

I am also frustrated but want to wait for the two year mark (don't really know why) before starting down the sling/AUS path. Really second guessing my decision for surgery over radiation therapy but it's done and over so I will live with the consequences. At least my PSA levels remain in the undetectable range which was/is the ultimate goal!

Best wishes to you in the days ahead!

My husband had his surgery close to 8 months ago. He hasn’t seen much change at all. He’s still leaking and has no control when he stands from sitting or laying down. He’s seen a physical therapist and a pelvic floor specialist as well as a acupuncturist. Nothing has helped so far. No one seems to have any answers. He does his kegels and is very active. I’m very disappointed in his urologist. I’ve heard good and bad about AUS surgery. I’m not even sure if there is a specialist in our area that performs that surgery. He feels the same as you do, another surgery is the last thing he wants.
I recently passed 2-1/2 years since surgery. Leakage was heavy post surgery but has declined over time. I use a small pad changed daily. I still leak some...sneeze, cough, strain, etc. I've more or less accepted where I am. It is rough at first and I was down in the dumps. Took me a good 4 to 5 months before I said enough pity, get on with life. Started exercising again and gradually returned to normal activity. Has worked for me. Good fortune.
I do my Kegel exercises faithfully EVERY SINGLE DAY. Everyone is different, but for me, after 90 days, I have not worn a pad or anything for over a year. Again, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I'm similar to @rogersk, quite heavy leaking until just past 3 month mark then steady improvement from that point. Now at almost 9 months postop I don't wear a pad at night and use one light pad each day, normal day very light leakage a little heavier if I am digging in garden or being very active. I saw a physiotherapist specialising in pelvic floor every 3 weeks from a few weeks after surgery until I no longer needed to see her around 6 months postop. Like @rogersk I do my exercises every single day, I have integrated them into my lifestyle by starting each day with a 3 kilometre walk with my dog and doing my pelvic exercises while walking ~ 30 x machinegun clamps, 15 of count of 30 pelvic clamps and 10 of count of 20 pelvic muscle combined with the transverse abdominis (TVA) muscle clamp. This routine is maintaining my steady improvement although the rate of improvement has now slowed.
I am 7 months post op and do my kegaks religiously every day. I improved from 5 pads a day to one in 4 months but seem to have stopped improving. I have faith that this will improve so I keep doing my exercises. I have recently increased my exercise and I am keen to see if this helps. I am confident I have more to come and I hope you have’
I'm 16 mo. post op. The good news is my psa score is still almost zero. Ridding myself of stage three cancer was the goal. That has been successful so far and of course we're hoping that will continue to be the case. I've been doing kegals religiously but without much improvement. Almost dry at night. Four to five moderate pads per day. Recent assessment resulted in being placed on a waiting list for AUS surgery this fall.

Best of luck with everything you do. Given your situation I'd keep trying the kegals since that still may make a difference. If it doesn't work consider the next step. (sling or AUS)
I had my prostate removed 4 years ago...did Kegels religiously and was free from incontince up until about 6 months ago. Now Depends every night just one pad...just started 25 mg's Myrbetriq last week. Helps with urges
during the day....I'm 85 still going strong!!!
Slawrence said:
OK, you asked for some good news.... I can't say this will be your experience, but for me the leaking was very bad for four months; - then not so bad for another four months -- then gradually better. Now I am 13 months post- surgery; - no leaking overnight or during the day until after dinnertime == then very slight leaking/dribbles until bedtime. I use a small pad during the day; and a small pad overnight just in case, but that one is almost always dry. I'm very satisfied and I'm not bothered by this amount of leaking. Hang in there! It usually gets better. (Even the ED is slowly getting better but that's a different story)....
I have an appointment in June with my urologist to do the trial injection for ED. Leakage at night is my biggest problem. A little during the day but really no more than a little dribble after using the restroom. As for activity, I do pretty much whatever I want.

My urologist asked a couple of weeks ago how it was going and I told him I could go three to four hours without urinating during the day but leak randomly at night. I may not leak any for a week then BAM! He told me I was as probably completely relaxing in my sleep at times and that was letting me have an accident. He wasn’t as concerned as I am.Haha.
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