Something I am writing for others:
One patient’s story – Every patient is different.
Some men may use 4 pads a day and some may use 20 pads a day. Start with pull-ups. My experience is more on the high side because I have other medical conditions and drink 4 quarts of liquid consisting mainly of water. My Urologist measures improvement week to week, not day by day. Week 1 – Catheter; end of Week 2 – 12 pull-ups in 24 hours (including 2 at night); end of Week 3 – 9 pull-ups; end of Week 4 – down to 5 pull-ups. I send my Urologist a message through the patient portal – yes I have improved week to week just like you told me. While they tell us not to get discouraged, they do not tell us what to expect. This is major surgery! Some men regain control in 6 weeks, some of us take longer. Initial usage of pads and pull-ups is not an indication on how things will be. We are all different and need not measure our success by others. Measuring week to week progress will bring encouragement.
Things that I learned
• Only have out a day’s worth of supplies – you can replenish in the morning and at night with a couple of extra. I like having everything out, but piles of pads or pull-ups is not good, just a stack of 5 is great.
• I bought two waterproof bed pads which I placed over my fitted sheet and added a folded towel on top. Remember this is short term, don’t over spend (I did). At this writing, I have had to wash the towel 4 times. I am a restless sleeper.
• Contain the smell of urine – I found large dog waste bags (about 8 by 12 inches) ideal for a used pull-up and tying it off. Note week 2 and 3, I just used a grocery bag and placed it in outside trash 3 times a day. By week 4, my usage had decrease to 5 pull-ups in 24 hours and the urine smell was strong enough that the dog waste bags were great. I still placed the tied individual bags into a grocery or small 4 gallon trash bag which every morning I placed in outside trash. Back to having just enough, but not too much. The dog waste bags come in rolls of 15. The roll is about 2 inches long and an inch in diameter.
• I washed my hands a lot. I put Moisturizing body wash in my soap dispenser. I used both Dove and Suave – just keep it simple and moisturizing.
• I wear cargo pants so I am able to place 2 pads and 2 dog waste bags in a cargo pocket. I have the freedom to go shopping and change a pad out as needed.
• My first major medical outing at week 5 was to my Retina doctor that required me to sit in 4 different chairs (waiting room, eye exam room, eye dilation waiting area, and exam room) over a 2 hour time period. I wore 2 pull-ups and a pad. After the 45 minute drive, I removed the pad (placing it in a dog waste bag in the restroom). After the 2 hours and 4 chairs office visit, I removed the inner pull-up (I used scissors to cut the sides and pull off the pull-up so that I did not need to take off my shoes and pants in the public restroom) and placed a fresh pad inside the second pull-up. I went grocery shopping before returning home. The second pull-up was still fresh when I went for my 30-minute (1.5 mile) walk.
It is okay to be angry at Prostate Cancer
• It is okay to admit that you are angry. I wrote a draft email just to put my feelings in words. Feel the feeling and let it go. Talk to friends or online forums. Many people are feeling the same way. Talk to your medical team (Urologist, General Practitioner, etc). Week 2 was difficult for me and the feelings crept back in every so often – acknowledge the feeling and look forward to the day you will be continent. It may be 6 to 20 weeks; you will see the week to week improvements. Make and keep follow-up appointments.
Do your kegel (pelvic floor) exercise and if able, walk SLOWLY and increase by a quarter mile per week to 30 minutes before returning to work. On day 13, I sent a patient portal message about walking. Check with your Urologist and listen to your body. On day 14, I walked half a mile. I noticed toward the end that I was walking too fast and my body let me know it. I slowed my walking. In the first 8 weeks, the walk is not meant to be a form of exercise. The walk helps to get you moving, gently move the pelvic region, and improves your mental outlook by just being outside and doing something for your recovery.
You may think that you need a heavy incontinent product at night. I suggest only buying a small package to see if you like the product. I found that Depend products provided me the protection I needed for this 6 to 20 week journey. I found ordering online was great. I compared prices at Amazon, Walmart (best price for Depend Pads), and Costco (best price for Depend Pull-ups). Walmart also beat Amazon for dog waste bags and Depend Night Defense. The prices seemed to change daily. Try a small package to see if that works for you. At the grocery store, I bought the store brand 4 gallon trash bags and Suave moisturizing body wash to wash my hands.
Remember weeks 2 and 3 will have higher usage of products. Try to buy for a couple weeks ahead, but adjust your ordering. On day 9 post Prostatectomy, I had used my first 104 pads. I already had my second order 104, but placed another order 208 Depend Pads. After talking with my Urologist on Day 13, I stopped using a pad with the pull-ups and used the pull-ups (I basically had been wasting the pull-ups instead of letting the pull-up catch the liquid). The pull-ups are designed to hold more fluids. At day 41, I probably have enough pads and pull-ups to get me to day 180 which I am sure by then, I will be using them for a safety net.
Forums (Social outreach to others going through similar experiences)
• National Association for Continence – Create a user profile – You need a user profile to reach the forums.
o These are the user’s forums.
o To search the forums – Look for the magnifying glass / “search” icon and type “prostatectomy” or “incontinence” .