I wouldn’t wish bladder issues on anybody


Staff member
The pain of holding from the spasms, nighttime incontinence episodes - and having to rely on briefs is not something I think id be dealing with in my 20’s and now 30.

I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
Honeeecombs said:
The pain of holding from the spasms, nighttime incontinence episodes - and having to rely on briefs is not something I think id be dealing with in my 20’s and now 30.

I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

I totally agree
I would like to wish it on everyone who made fun of me when I was growing up as a bedwetter. Not much was known about this issue back in the 50's and 60's. Impramine and tofranol were some of the meds back then to help with bedwetting. Didn't work for me. Even though it sounds good, I probably won't wish it on others.
I had incontinence after rp surgery in may of 2022 until AUS surgery in October of 2023. I have felt so many times that it was poetic justice for picking on my younger sister when we were kids for her bed wetting. I never told anyone else about her issues but did pick on her for something she certainly could not help. I have such regret for treating her that way. Maybe it had nothing to do with my issues, but if it was payback I had it coming. Love her dearly and hate that I treated her badly.
@Leemo, have you told her how you wish you hadn't teased her? If not, it might mean a lot to her, and show her how thoughtful you are.
@Honeeecombs, you should continue to seek the best medical care available to you. Your night-time issue in and of itself should show any good urologist or other specialist that your quality of life is suffering simply from your lack of solid sleep patterns.
fleemoore said:
@Honeeecombs, you should continue to seek the best medical care available to you. Your night-time issue in and of itself should show any good urologist or other specialist that your quality of life is suffering simply from your lack of solid sleep patterns.

Well my urologist tried to put me on several medications for the bladder spasms, but none of them worked - the spasms are too severe. One did work, but ended up stopped working which was a common issue for Myrbetriq.

He says I’m a little too young for Botox, but it’s an option. I’m not sure if I’m going to go through with it yet - as Botox will work for a while but then after too many rounds, may stop working as well.

My urologist is the one who recommended I wear briefs for my issues - so I’m just managing the best I can.

It truly sucks…
@Honeeecombs I totally feel with you with the painful spasms. My urge IC is working a little similar - if an urge comes up, it's getting stronger and stronger within seconds. Sometimes, if I try to hold in, after a few seconds the urge fades out and everything is fine. But more often the urge grows up to getting quite painful up to that point I can't hold in any more.
What's your guess I started do do after a few weeks happening this around 15 times a day (+ the nights)? Right, I stopped trying to hold in hoping that the urge fades out. As soon as the urge grows up I release in order to avoid those painful cramps, which works very well! If I'm really near a toilet, I go there, otherwise I simply use my diapers. I've got used to this, I can live my regular life as it was before becoming IC, nobody else can see, I have no pain - so what?
I'm aware that your situation - being much younger than me - is a different one. But with the choice being either more continent with pain or being IC without pain it was clear what I wanted...
Hbic60 said:
@Honeeecombs I totally feel with you with the painful spasms. My urge IC is working a little similar - if an urge comes up, it's getting stronger and stronger within seconds. Sometimes, if I try to hold in, after a few seconds the urge fades out and everything is fine. But more often the urge grows up to getting quite painful up to that point I can't hold in any more.
What's your guess I started do do after a few weeks happening this around 15 times a day (+ the nights)? Right, I stopped trying to hold in hoping that the urge fades out. As soon as the urge grows up I release in order to avoid those painful cramps, which works very well! If I'm really near a toilet, I go there, otherwise I simply use my diapers. I've got used to this, I can live my regular life as it was before becoming IC, nobody else can see, I have no pain - so what?
I'm aware that your situation - being much younger than me - is a different one. But with the choice being either more continent with pain or being IC without pain it was clear what I wanted...

This is exactly how I feel
Honeeecombs said:
I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

I hear you on this but there are times when I wish all those people that don't understand all I am going through could experience what I am for just a few hours. They would be overwhelmed and there would be no more comments of "well, you look just fine". Let them try it for awhile and see how the attitude changes.

I can't relate on the urge pain as I basically have no feeling in my bladder but can very much relate to chronic pain and it can be a mental and physical nightmare for sure. As I grew older it became easier as I learned to accept that this is what my body was and started to work with it instead of fighting. Mentally it was a huge win of just going with the flow.

I will also never give up on finding new specialist doctors and new hopes to fix some of this. It keeps me going.

I wish you the best.
Life with incontinence is hard enough.

But at least we are not bats.

It would suck to have incontinence and hang upside down to sleep.
yeah peeing on yourself and in bed is bad enough
ThatFLGuy said:
Life with incontinence is hard enough.

But at least we are not bats.

It would suck to have incontinence and hang upside down to sleep.
I don't like it either. I probably wouldn't get any sleep at night if I got up to pee each time I needed to. I've had multiple wettings at night. I don't change during the night, because each wetting isn't to severe. My diapers are usually soaked in the morning from multiple wettings.
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