How to tell when you are wet?


Staff member
I apologize if this might be triggering for some people but I am still new to this so I want to ask something. Apparently, the aging process for adults with cerebral palsy starts earlier and on a Facebook page, I found out that many people start having incontinence problems starting from mid-20’s to early 30’s.

I have bladder and bowel spasms so I know when my underwear is dirty but I have a hard time telling where it is wet. It’s hard to describe but a spasm is only a small amount of urine so so it’s kind of this grey area where it feels warm but not enough to know for sure.

What would you recommend me do?
I am a brain tumor survivor, some of my nerve endings on the left side of my body are not working right because I had the brain tumor too long on the right side of my brain. I am trying to do my kegels 2 times per day and of course strengthening your core helps a lot. I don't know a lot about your disease but I know the body responds well to exercise. I know when I worked out in our therapy pool when I lived in IL., there was a group of palsy adults exercising in the the therapy pool. Try it or maybe write or e-mail the national association for cerebral palsy. They might have a group like the meningioma mamas and poppas and then this incontinences group. Good Luck, spasms by nature are hard to control. Maybe ice packs on the area they are being troublesome. They recommend ice now for spasms. If it is a nerve ice for sure to quiet it down. If it is soft tissue than sketching should help. Good Luck. They are coming out with new stuff all the time. Maybe if there is a hospital teaching school trying new things, one never knows.
@rdouga1 I don’t have cerebral palsy but I do experience light bladder leakage during the day and also have trouble identifying whether I’m wet. I started wearing shields and light guards a couple of months ago because I got tired of panicking about urine spots coming through to my pants. I dislike the idea of them but they have improved my quality of life immensely and are very discrete.
agree- can't freeze something that is totally broken-irritated-yes to calm it down. Bummer-so sorry to here it. I am working on mind to start working again I hope. Down in the dumps today-this Worksman comp stuff is awful-just awful. I know they are going to denied my tooth and I will have to appeal it, then probably ask for a hearing. They denied the surgery on my right shoulder. I did not do my best with the second opinion guy because I wanted to go though Medicare to pick my own surgeon. The shoulder is tricky and it is best to have someone who does it all the time. Also their surgeon does day surgery 150 miles away-one way. No way was I having someone drive me 150 miles away one way. It would have cost me a fortune besides. The home therapy people wouldn't come because the workmen comp people were coming to work on my left knee which had nothing to do with my right shoulder. So a friend is taking me to out patient therapy tomorrow. The staff of the doctor did not complete the forms for me for senior/ Medical transportation which we have here in Lee County on time like she promised. I can't drive so I can't be running around picking up forms and faxing them back and forth. Bummer. I need to get some therapy reports that I had on my neck last spring at Lee Health tomorrow while he has me out. I have some scripts to pick up as well. Everything is going up in price big time. At least I got done some of my paperwork today that can start sending in to them. Have a lot lot more to do.
Medical sure does take up a huge amount of time, energy, and how. @BarbaraDrabek Sorry to hear you’re in a pickle.
I had problems early on when early potty trained then later hit a regression period last wet 13yrs.I went back in diapers in late 50's do have some feeling just can't always make it.
Some people say you always know when your cloth diapers are wet. I disagree somewhat because many a morning I wake up and think I’m dry until I stick my finger in and realize I’m wet. Actually easier for me to tell in my daytime disposables because there is usually a sort of lump in a wet area.
I have cerebral palsy myself. My incontinence triggered when I was in my early 30’s. It has progressed since then. I have had light spasms at times, where I cant really tell. I typically would wait, and not worry about it until I felt a true need to use the bathroom. Sometimes I was slight wet, most times not. I did Botox recently, that really stopped the spasms.
Change on an interval and by wetness.

It’s not necessary to maximize your investment. Urine, even a small amount, can smell over time and it is healthier for your skin!
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