I thought this would be gone by now.


Staff member
I'm female, 23 years old. Years ago, I thought this problem would be over by now. I thought after visiting several specialists, there would have been some cure. Instead, I fear every trip I go on where I might have to sleep in a bed with someone else, because I sleep so deeply and may not be able to control my own freaking bladder. I'm on Desmopressin, which definitely helps, but sometimes it just doesn't work. I'm scared. I don't want anyone to know about this. I'm just so tired of having this problem and I wish it wasn't something I had to think about anymore. Just need to know I'm not alone. Thanks for letting me vent.
Definitely not alone. 27 YO make dealing with it for five years. Self cath changed my life for the better.
Hang in there, it isn't the end of the world, just embarrassing and frustrating, believe me, I know it too!
Yeah you aren't alone. There are millions of young adults that have accidents and need diapers. It's inconvient but the big problems just come from stigma and shame. Babies wear diapers and it's not a problem because it's expected. If you accept it as a part of yourself which is tough no doubt it will be much easier.
To echo Ben's advice, spend time in any big box store. You'll see shelves with adult and adolescent incontinent supplies on them. Think they're all intended for oldsters? Indeed, some of them are. However, every product on every inch of display space must earn its way there. Shelf space is just too valuable to waste on products that do not sell. There are tens of millions of us in the USA alone; we come in all ages and both genders. Most of us are indistinguishable from anybody else on the sidewalk or in the store. Our underwear is different. The stigma that annoys and embarrasses us is powerless against the profit motive.
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