Huge update.. Advice needed.


Staff member
First let me say that this is going to be a big update on everything so I am going to put space between the post so that it is easy to read.

First, I now have my own apartment here in Pennsylvania and have been enjoying living back up north for the most part. The weather has been harsh to deal with coming form living in Florida for the majority of my life. It is nice being this close to family that I have not seen in a long time but I have been busy with work and school so have not gotten to visit as many people as I would like to.

Second, Where I work I average 50-65 miles of walking during my three 12 hour shifts. Yes, you are reading that right. I have clocked as many as 70 miles. My shift runs 6:30pm-7:00am for the three days that I work.

This needs to be said, Over the last few months shifting into the position that I am in now my bowels have been all over the place. One day I can eat something and be fine and the next I am leaving work early due to chronic diarrhea. The issue is that where I work only gives you a set number of un-paid hours out of work before you get terminated. All of my managers know that I had surgery on my intestines and that it effects me sometimes. When I have a bad day

I have little warning and then I am running for the bathroom. I have not had a full blown accident but have a few really close call from both ends. I have had so really bad watery flatulence so I try not to pass gas unless sitting on the toilet. I push heavy carts all night at work so that is hard. I have left work early several times do to this alone. Also, after a 'movement' my butt burns. So here is the thing, For the first few weeks of work I was taking wipes with me to work and they helped a lot. I went from wearing cargo shorts to jeans due to the weather and now it is hard to store them in my jean pockets even in a zip-lock bag.

The big issue is that I was recommended that I talk to HR about accommodation if the issue keeps effecting me as my position is considered essential. I brought this up to my uncle who also works were I do and he said that they work really well with people but I may have to go back to another area of work. I truly do not what that to happen.

I have insurgence now so I am going to try to get to a doctor soon but we are nearing our busy time of the year. My big thing is that I have use diapers or pull-ups at night for so long that I am use to it. I have not worn anything to work at this job every. I also could not hide it because we have security that checks bags before going back to the work area so bringing any extra supplies would be very hard as nothing stays secrete at work. Not that I would bother me for long.

So that is what has been going on for the last few months for me.
I would suggest going ahead and taking supplies with you to work. I used to work at the Macy's warehouse here, and security checked our bags as well.

I never had an issue with them saying anything to anyone about it though. No1 ever seemed to find out, that I heard about or knew of.

Also I would talk to hr about it, because they could give accommodations for the issue. For myself they let me keep a small bag with my supplies in the first aid room (if you have one), as well as let me use the private bathroom in the first aid room whenever I needed to change.

Congratulations on the move and getting closer to family. You said it burns after you have a bowel movement. Does it burn before or during or only after ? And how often does it burn ? Every time ? or sporadic ?
@ThatFLGuy I haven't told HR about my problems, but my line manager knows and has been very supportive, cheers Phil
Hey man, you sound like you have really been handling a lot in the time weve known you and doing a GREAT job navigating the difficulties to live as full a life as possible.
You really stepped up.
It does sound like you could be safer if you had some protection available at work and got permission to keep wipes a change of osnts and dome disposable underwear in your locker.
IBS is a term most people are familiar with and if you get a note from your doctor to say you have IBS you will be doing yourself a favor more than if you had a diharrea and no way to handle it on the job.
Update, I ended up in the ER last week. The Doc said I was having a Diverticulitis attack. I explained my history and how I had surgery for it but he insisted that it was a GI. attack. Checked blood work and it was in the normal range but higher than I expected. They gave me IV antibiotic and ones to take at home but did not do a CT scan as the ER that went to is small and they refereed me to a specialist.

Two messed up things though.
First, where I work does not except Doctors notes. They give you unpaid hours and once they are gone you cannot go home.

Second, the day I ended up in the ER was exactly one year since I first ended up in the ER for this crap.

I have not had to take anything to work just yet but I am dealing with huge bowel swings.. Like constipation one day and then diarrhea the next.

December 20th I have an appointment with a GI doctor to see what the next step is this time. Like I stated in past post the surgery that they did in February Could have been worse but they left enough of my large intestine for me to not need a colostomy. My fear right now is that they did not take enough to prevent Diverticulitis attacks and I will need another surgery.

As I live in Pa. now I am up with a choice, Do I call my GI doctor in FL. and get his opinion on what is going on (Mind you I own them money as I had not insurance at that time) or do I just let the new doctor figure out what to do next???

I would pursue everything you have at your disposal excluding the surgery. As for a subsequent surgery for diverticulitis, gosh bro I don't know about that because I know over a dozen people with diverticulosis and when they get flare ups (diverticulitis) all of their doctors give them antibiotics and it goes away for quite a while so if it were me I would not do anymore surgeries. Every surgery you have will increase risks of complications, scar tissue, trigger issues, etc.... I would just do the best you can with the one surgery but pursue all other avenues (excluding surgery). Half the battle will be finding the underlying cause or trigger.
So, another update. Things have went from bad to worse. I ended up at another er this past Saturday morning... (Was not allowed to leave work Friday per the head manager told him that I needed to go to the ER and was asked if I had unpaid time to use)
Got a full work up with CT and a full set of labs (the other ER only did my white counts.) They did not find any thing on the CT and all the Labs came back normal. My Dr. feels like I might have either IBS or crohn's. I will still have another appointment on the 20th and it will be with an internal Gi specialists.

So work has been hell. They will not accept a doctors note. They send people home all the time on voluntary time off, but because of were I work I am not eligible for it. Last night I went back to the job I started with were they do let people go home and I was told that I could not go home until I was finished with what I started on. (Everyone else just drops their work and leaves)

So I am left with a huge issue. I cannot get them to let me go home. I have literally talked with every GM in the building about what is going on.

Unless I want to get an HR exemption which would require a doctor sign off we have a clear bag only rule past the first break room. And if I stay doing my original Job I have to keep up with a picking rate.

Here is the kicker. Our company has a seven day out for mandated medical evaluation. I requires a Dr. note to return to work. I can be longer it the Dr. says so. They also allow for some accommodations. We have one lady that just make box tops all night. Here is the crazy thing. They are trying to get me to take the seven day, but I have the most INC coverage we offer that come with a 75% of pay for time out of work for medical reasons and I am trying not to use that.

I am at a loss right now because I have to make enough money to live but I want to work.. I like what I do but they are getting upset that I have to go to the bathroom so much.. But they will not let me go home when I am sick unless I have unpaid hours. It is getting to the point were I am counting the days until January.
What Draconic said. You may have some legal grounds to stand on as well. Allot of managers are not familiar with that part but I would document every time you talk to a manager requesting to leave for medical needs. Just a thought but it should cover you if things go south.

Hope things get better for you.
Well this is going to be a crappy Christmas...Pun intended. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for the day after Christmas so I get the joy of prepping on Christmas day. Noting is going right and the Doc is worried about how bad my hemorrhoids are as well as my other issues.
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