How do you deal with the spa, gym, or a massage w/ incontinence protection?


Staff member
I'm a huge health advocate, but feel awkward at times in a public changing room setting. From using the changing facilities to sitting next to nude patrons at my co-ed spa, I've had to develop some hacks to get the most out of these costly facility visits.

Only over the past few years have I become at peace with changing out of my street clothes and wet brief, then doing a self-cath before showering and jumping in a jacuzzi or pool. My post catheterize cycle is about 20-30 minutes on a good day, depending on my liquid intake. That gives me 5 minutes to shower, 15 for jacuzzi, and hopefully another 5 in the dry sauna and a splash in the cold plunge.

During these 'dry times' I do make an attempt to avoid leaks by wearing a disposable swim brief from Swimmates. While they're not waterproof (is there even such a thing for adults?) I've noticed at times that I do leak, they at least absorb with a yellow tint near my pubic area. Although they're more for any IBS emergencies.

After soaking for a bit, I head back to the locker room and change into a light brief, such as a Unique Wellness or a FormaCare brief. Once padded and leakproof for gym or sauna settings, I'll head back in and start my normal work-out or sweat lodge routine. Cardio and the like.

I'll regularly hydrate throughout and start another set if I'm mentally or physically up for it. Otherwise I take a break in the lounge, changing into a dry brief before heading back to my repeat sessions. After recovery, I typically disrobe and dispose of my wet brief(s) in the locker room, before padding back up and heading back for more rounds.

When I'm done, typically towards the end of the day (when they're closing up) - I've grown confident and carefree when throwing on an ID Slip or BetterDry with stuffer and adequate powder or barrier lotions before changing out into my street clothes.

It's taken me 10 years of battling the anxiety of stranger's judgement, associated with my diapered disposition. Coming to terms and realizing that public changing is only as awkward and uncomfortable as you make it, was the hardest part. Beyond a look or two of disbelief, everyone is accommodating and copasetic to my situation.

The only comments I've gotten were supportive or inquisitive, and a few times I've been approached after the gym by folks who commended me for being stronger about my incontinence. Some admitted to changing in the shower stall or ADA restroom to avoid embarrassment.

One day, in a perfect world, disposable underwear won't be as taboo as "diapers" and the stigma that surrounds them as an adult user.
Good for you @matttyco I still pull my pants up above my pull up in bathroom stalls out of embarrassment.
@matttyco well done on developing this routine. I have more or less come to terms with my situation, but have never changed in a public changing room. I suppose that the closest I came was at my local hospital for a skin cancer check. They took me by surprise when they wanted to check all my skin, even the bits the sun doesn't reach! They were very professional and didn't even comment about my choice of underwear. Cheers Phil
At the gym, I put the disposable underwear in my pants and then put them both on at the same time when no one is looking.

I go to a physical therapist that specializes in incontinence and pelvic floor issues, so I don't make an effort to hide it there. Half the time when we are doing core work I have leakage, so not wearing isn't an option. Plenty of people in pads and underwear, so it isn't outside of the norm.
Good for you. I had both breasts removed due to cancer and usually don’t wear prosthetics. Very few people have seemed to notice in public locker rooms. I just changed with my Depends in a public locker room for the first time tonight and that was more nerve wrecking fo me than having scars where my breats should be.
Hi do deserve admiration for sticking with your routine despite your problem..i wish I could be like you. I just can't get myself to the point where im not so bothered/embarrassed by this..I have a lot of psychological issues with my condition but I think a lot of it is just bitterness/anger towards myself bc I caused this to happen. Plus, I gave had the unfortunate pleasure of having my condition targeted and used to hurt me by an ex girlfriend and with today's technology being the way it is, ppl have unlimited ways to embarrass you..
Keep on working, friend..
I gave up any notion of getting into any public pools or hot tubs. I have gone to the gym but that has been a long time ago now.
One of my biggest obstacles in all of this is cost. I can hardly make it, financially, as it is-No way could i add onto my bill. im on such a tight budget now. all of the swapping and changing to fit whatever it is you are doing at the time is ideal if you can afford it but I cant..i used to use pull-up style protection during the day but had to stop using them bc I was going thru so many of them. they are more convinient, discreet and i felt more confident in myself as a man, wearing them. I didnt worry so much about what other ppl were thinking or saying. but, they actually let me down quite a bit. if I didnt change them quite regularly, they would leak on me everytime. I was averaging around 3 per day I would use. then, 1 or 2 briefs (diapers) in the evenings and nights at home. eventually it got to be too much and i had to make a stopping using the pull-ups, i almost cut my monthly product bill in half, which is HUGE..for me, anyway. no way could i add anything to that at this point.. I wish that it was a perfect world and i didnt have this huge burden on my life and my family. I wish that I could afford to use 5 or 6 products per day, use specific ones to fit each moment of my life perfectly, but I cant. so, i had to make a decision a long time ago to just use the briefs bc I had to use those at night anyway. and I went from 5 or 6 products per day to 3. sometimes 4-sometimes 2-just depending on..everything really..
it sucks bc briefs are simply large diapers and i will always feel like im wearing a diaper whenever im wearing one or putting one on. I hate them. a HUGE part of how all this affects me psychologically is the fact that I have to wear "diapers"..I wish that there were other options for me but there isnt. not that ive found anyway. I've learned to get by pretty well and rarely have any bad days bc of my incontinence but I walk around in my own private panic/depression bc of it though..
I’ve had two massages done recently. I was wearing a comfy dry 24/7 diaper both times. I let the nice lady know before hand “I’m bladder incontinent and I’m wearing a diaper.” And she had no problem with it. I asked if I was her first and she said not at all and I won’t be her last. She said she had a 14 year old girl a year ago and a middle aged man two weeks ago that were wearing diapers. Their only concern is that you don’t have a back or health problem that might be aggravated by the massage.
I have had a massage from a great guy who said he had no problem with wearing protection. Soon after he got a full time job and I haven't sought out someone else yet. Phil
I forgot to mention, that I found a comfortable(-enough) penile clamp that allowed me to swim for 10 to 15 minutes at a time without cramping or stomach pain. They're only $40 on Amazon, obviously exclusive to male users, and seems fine as long as I release it every 20-30 minutes.

I'm neurogenic with decreased bladder sensation, but can feel backup if clamped too long.

"WIESNER Incontinence Clamp Penile Clamp Regular"
I usually go to gym like 5:30 am and usually go in my overnight diaper unless ready to leak. I get undressed in common area and put my workout shorts over my overnight diaper. I use a pull up with a soaker usually during workout, I have been seen in just my diaper and shirt trying to get shorts on. I then go to the stall and get out of wet diaper and change into pull up throw out wet diaper. I then go and workout and usually wet by end of workout I then go to locker take pull up off change into my swim mates swim diaper go do my pool workout for shoulder I had surgery on and then hot tub. I go get a shower and take a diaper with me for after shower go back to locker and get shirt on and take towel down put pants on over diaper yes once again I have been seen in diaper some people have looked like was he wearing what I think he was, but no one says anything.
I go to a chiropractor and I do get massages weekly and the two girls are great about it, I had brought a reusable pad in, in case I do leak. In the beginning they asked questions and I answered them as I am laying there in a diaper can’t be any questions that can embarrass me. So I do what I need to do to be as healthy as I can if people have issue with it they can deal with it on their own. I am not super concerned anymore where I am in life for trying to be concerned about others and what they may think of my bathroom issues. If you judge me differently that is on them and I don’t need that type of judgement in my life. I am 46 years old and have been in diapers my whole life.
I'm very happy for you. I know the road to acceptance is long, bumpy, and sometimes overwhelming. I didn't think I would get to an acceptance point, but I did. I'm probably not as open as you, but I don't freak out when i'm standing exposing pin-on cloth diapers and plastic pants. What was the hardest for me was when I went to get a massage. In the smaller places you usually go in to a room with nobody around except your/therapist. When I stay in large hotels it is a little different. They have a men's and woman's shower room. It took a while before I could take my cloths off and stand there trying to cool and calm in front of other guys in diapers. I am still hesitant to change with people around.

I was extremely embarrassed and afraid of anyone seeing me in a diapered state until I started seeing a therapist. It took more than a year of weekly sessions, to begin accepting my situation. I started slowly began talking about it and actually being able to say words like 'diaper', 'incontinence', 'diaper pins' and relate items. I first opened up to the sales clerk at my home medical supply store, doctor office visits, and slowly it got better. The route to my acceptance was gradually opening up and being able to talk about it. I'm still very private about it, but when a situation arises, I can openly talking about my need for diapers.

I wish all of you the best, and I sure hope no one else has to suffer through such a long journey.
Matty, I, like you, was reluctant at first about removing my diaper, showering, and putting on a diaper in the la fitness locker room. I finally decided I’d just do it and as you say NO ONE at all has ever had anything negative to say to me about it. Everybody just minds their own business. Once I realized that I gained total confidence in that sort of public setting. I don’t give it a thought and neither does anyone else.
@davidfor3v3r Hey you do what you've got to do. Wearing a diaper is not a reflection on you as a person, your actions and they way you treat others is.
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