You can get an aide through the Consumer Directed program. I have both an agency aide and a consumer directed aide. In the consumer directed program, you choose your aide. There are very few restrictions and it can be a family member or friend. Because you choose the person, they care about you and your needs. You choose them, supervise them and train them to do what you want how you want it. You have total control over scheduling. It’s a wonderful program. For several years I had a wonderful friend work for me, before she moved to CA (How dare she? I’m in NY - long commute). Now I have a 30 year friend working for me. The agency makes sure that she is ok to hire (no felonies, Sheriff’s/fingerprint, etc) and processes her paychecks. The issue with home health care agencies is that they don’t have enough aides. If you have someone in your life who will help, they can get paid for it. I use both programs because I’ve had the same amazing aide from the home health care agency for the last 14 years. My hours got increased and I wanted weekend hours, which the HHA couldn’t accommodate. Look to your local independent living center. If they don’t administrate they program, they will know who does. And I’m sure Albany has one! Good luck!