hey I’ve become Sarah so I want to let everyone know

Maymay941 said:
I will say this Sarah, you've been on this forum for a long time and I've never heard you happy until now. I had the sense of you as a woman in a man's body but never felt it was relevant or apropriate to address which sex you were.
I hope this reflects to you from someone who has been listening to you for a long time a sense of Sarah always in the background of your written voice.

Hey Maymay, i thought i responded to this but i don’t see it. You really are so right and i do hope lots of people have felt that way too. I do know the girl in me does often show up in my writing. there have been many times when i’ve been mistaken for a woman on posts on other sites even when my profile says male. I know the dan in me fights that all the time, but i’m so happy that my femininity was not completely concealed and never will be again - and that now i can tell everyone for sure.

thanks a whole bunch Maymay. so glad you could tell. Yeah this is making me happier than i’ve ever been!!! 😍👱‍♀️

Sarah I would suggest you maintain a relationship with your mental health counselor and find a group for people experiencing gender change.
I can only imagine you are very excited but the world is not always kind and you will need people who can guide you on your experiences.
Maymay941 said:
Sarah I would suggest you maintain a relationship with your mental 4 counselor and find a group for people experiencing gender change.
I can only imagine you are very excited but the world is not always kind and you will need people who can guide you on your experiences.

yup, you are right Maymay. maybe i’m being a little risk taking in coming out quickly but the way i see it, being quick is gunna make me have to respond to “being found out” quickly. i really like the idea that this will go according to its own schedule and not mine! like having no escape. i don’t exactly want bad experiences, but somehow it seems like i need to be prepared to take the bad stuff right at the moment. if i can learn to do that, imagine what a strong woman i’ll become! is this crazy or naive? i really think just getting myself out there quick is the only way to go, take whatever comes and learn on my own. one thing about me is that even before Sarah became liberated, i was always doing things on my own.

thats me
I think Maymay had an excellent suggestion:) to keep your relationship with your counselor and also join a support group for those experiencing gender change. Best part you can actually meet in person those who are going through the same thing you are and someone will probably "take you under their wing," as it were. I hope you live in a place that's big enough where such a possibility is, well, possible.
i am working often with a therapist presently and we have been getting very into my femininity desires and needs. i have no plans on stopping that! and i am already possibly able to get into a mental intensive program that is not specifically all trans but would be a very good environment to be totally open about myself. There are others like me there. and if that does not work out, i can find a trans group. i am not closed minded at all and i want to have all the opportunities i can to be completely out there in the world with family friends and hopefully work too.

Hey Sarah -

Sorry I haven’t replied to your message yet I’ve been dealing with some depression and have been struggling with finding solutions to my incontinence. Anyway I definitely echo the idea of a support group. Even if it’s virtual it’s a start. I transitioned in 2001 and I started with a lgbtq message board then flung the doors open and came out to family and friends and then went to an in person support group.

I’m really happy you are tapping into your femininity and are becoming more open with who you are. Transitioning wasn’t easy but it was so liberating. Sending love ❤️
hey @justej thanks! i’m so caught up right now between paying someone to have the truth about me broadcast on the news tomorrow morning to taking it real slowly and safe. honestly i’ve gotten several people warning me a sex change is not an easy transition and there are some people who i will probably encounter who are just not nice.

Then i’ve had as many people supporting my idea of moving as swiftly as i can - even to the point of getting caught totally unprepared as people i know suddenly inadvertently come face to face with me clearly being a woman that they had no idea i ever would be! to me the fast approach is best because it will teach me to think on my feet and just deal with what’s going on at the moment. i know i know. i’m still thinking about it even if am am leaning toward the fast way.

i am just wondering - if you are ok with sharing, how long was your transition - from the day you decided to proceed to the day your family and friends found out to when the surgery if any, was completed?

already i am feeling so liberated. and i’m really feeling feminine and happy. this is working out so nicely because it was just a few weeks ago that i decided to make this move and i didn’t even know if i really wanted to do it. it was just an experiment. but i love being Sarah, i am so Woman. i’m so delighted to have had this discovery. happy happy happy
Hey @Benfrank I keep thinking I don't even have courage. To me whoever I am, I was living with self harm all my life and that was just going to escalate and get dangerous. There is a part of me that just can't face of to my femininity. With that kind of mixture it became a case of either dying or being who I really love being. You'd think the answer is obvious but really I'm still petrified. I wish so much I'd just find out somebody posted it on social media and called all my family and friends and I'd have no choice but to admit it and deal with it. But I still gotta tell. I was honestly hoping everyone would already know today. In these few days I've discovered how good it is just being Sarah. It's like I was being smothered all my life and now I'm discovering being a woman is the only way I should ever be and I I will do it. I'm just really frighten right now so I need to take a very deep breath and go for it. And remember it's not running away from something bad but really celebrating something wonderful about yourself. Just taking that step must be done quickly once you decide to do it. Having a cheering squad like the one here sure helps. I'm pretty sure I'll be out completely in day. I know the wheels are in motion and I feel it coming the I'll just say today is the day!

I'm Sarah!!!
Hi Sarah, please don't let anyone (yourself included) convince you that you don't have courage. I know you do and it shows. After all you have taken that first step and you're embracing all that it entails. Your goal probably won't happen overnight but rest assured you are on the way! I have to admit I have communicated with anyone undergoing the change you are but I like it to be said that I have an open mind. I am glad you had the chutzpah to reach out to us here and let us know what is going on, rather than keeping everything hidden. It's Monday and I hope you have a good rest of the day!:D
Steven1980 said:
Ben Frank, nobody lacks courage. They just haven't found it yet. You will.
I know that the only way to really find the courage I need is to be faced with knowing everyone found out about me before I could tell them myself and then just deal with. Yeah, adversity is what will bring out the empowered girl in me. Just wish I was enjoying the courage already.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.“ - Nelson Mandela
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