here I sit


Staff member
I'm stuck in bed because I have a cut on my residua limb and my left knee is totally screwed up from crawling around on my knees. I have a pack of crinkz by my bed and I moved the diaper pail next to me as well. I'm also sitting on a Northshore champion pad and a disposable chux pad on top of that. I've basically taken every precaution possible to reduce further damage to my legs and everything possible to protect my bed.

this just sucks.
Oh my God that does suck I wish I could be there to help my friend best I can offer is a prayer and good thoughts I wish you well

justej said:
I'm stuck in bed because I have a cut on my residua limb and my left knee is totally screwed up from crawling around on my knees. I have a pack of crinkz by my bed and I moved the diaper pail next to me as well. I'm also sitting on a Northshore champion pad and a disposable chux pad on top of that. I've basically taken every precaution possible to reduce further damage to my legs and everything possible to protect my bed.

this just sucks.
WillyD is correct in saying that with God nothing is impossible. However, God also says He will bless who He wants to bless and curse who He wants to curse.

He even cursed is own son, Jesus Christ, on the cross, for sins He did not commit, so that you and I can be blessed with eternal life if we repent of our sins and accept His sacrifice. God will not force anyone to go to heaven. We all have free choice of where we go.

Another important thing is that God promises to discipline those He loves. I know that He certainly has disciplined me, and I thank Him for it often. Discipline is often painful and disabling; it has been for me, but I thank God that He loves me enough to do it to me. He doesn't discipline those who reject Him. However, He will eternally destroy those who reject Him and His discipline.

I can't explain these mysteries, but the Bible says that there are many things that I can't understand about God in this world. But I continue to study scripture to allow God to speak to me. Everyone here is suffering from many things. This world is really tough on all of us. I am thankful that life is short and that eternity is forever. For the believer, death is a blessing.

I pray that God blesses you and comforts you in your struggles.

End of sermon. :)
I’m not a prayer kinda guy, but I do hope you’re feeling better. Keep us posted. Are you getting up more? How are you managing with food and stuff?
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