Hello, shipping department.... wrong address!!


Staff member
Which ever one of you order a huge snow storm before Christmas, you done put the wrong address on the shipping and I is coming my way..

I mean I like a white Christmas but 3-8 inches an hour is not what ThatFLGuy wanted..
Well I certainly didn’t order it, but we’re getting plenty of it up here. I don’t mind it, but in my line of work it makes things dangerous. I will admit though, I am looking forward to a white Christmas, it seems like it’s been years since we’ve had one up here.
tallnbald said:
Well I certainly didn’t order it, but we’re getting plenty of it up here. I don’t mind it, but in my line of work it makes things dangerous. I will admit though, I am looking forward to a white Christmas, it seems like it’s been years since we’ve had one up here.

They are calling for a record blizzard here in Pennsylvania and I have doctor's appointments and stuff I have to do this week but I guess mother nature has other plans.
Maymay941 said:
Better call to see if the doctor office is open before driving out Flguy
Going to in the morning. Physical therapy is at 11am and the storm may hit tonight.
And no, FLGuy, I didn't order it either!!! Where I am we'll probably get the residual cold air that will come swirling down from the frozen north and it will be jacket weather for sure! And I agree it is best to call where your appointments are before venturing out! I'd hate to have you fight traffic and snow and ice for an hour or so just to find the place is closed tighter than a drum! That would suck rocks big time!!!! :( But at least you'll probably have a white Christmas instead of the usual "green Christmas" we get here!
ThatFLGuy said:
Which ever one of you order a huge snow storm before Christmas, you done put the wrong address on the shipping and I is coming my way..

I mean I like a white Christmas but 3-8 inches an hour is not what ThatFLGuy wanted..

That was me. I guess the holiday shopping is even more me up than I thought! I had wanted a white Christmas here - haven't had one in a while.

I remember in '98 when I lived in western New Mexico at 7000' altitude., We woke up Christmas morning to 8" of fresh snow. My wife and I went driving up on My. Taylor to see all the ponderosa pines wearing their winter white. Good times.
Itapilot -- My husband and I moved to Albuquerque in February 1986. We moved from Summit County, Colorado with the biggest snow storm on record following us. We had our 1980 Ford cargo van loaded with household goods and cans of food with no kind of can opener, and not knowing any better we drove up Mt. Taylor in early March when the snow had mostly melted and left mud. Except for my husband's expert driving we'd have spent the night up there.
We are going to get the residual cold air from the storm down here in Florida. Cold front associated with that storm system moving through sometime today and Thursday and Friday we'll feel it!
Cold rain in middle of NC
Perfect climate here for the most part 4 seasons and they shut down everything for minor weather events like heavy rain or light snow.
GLGuy: During one of the recent (last year maybe) hurricanes that hit Florida, some guy had moved "North" (maybe even to PA) and said, when asked about northern weather: At least they don't name their snow storms!
I chuckled for days.
My former-Florida friend laughed for days After all, that was one of the reasons she moved to Alaska! (The other 2? No Alligators of Pythons in her back yard....)
Everytime I think of it being cold this clip from on of my favorite movies comes up...I love Muppet Christmas Carol.

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