Hello! New here...


Staff member
I'm Adam. I'm 33 and struggle with bedwetting. Im not sure what else to say for an intro.

I've spent many years feeling alone and inadequate due to wetting the bed as an adult and wearing diapers. But having found this community, I'm relieved to see I'm not as alone as I thought. It feels good to see I'm not a freak or to realize there's nothing wrong with me.

Anyways. I'm happy to be here.
Glad you found this place.
We DO have problem thats why we're here but speaking honestly freely here isn't a problem!
Welcome Adam. As a life-long bedwetter, I know the frustration and embarrassment you have probably felt. But growing a little older, coupled with the de-stigmatization of incontinence in the modern world, I have become much more comfortable with understanding my condition as just that - a condition. Like any other medical condition. I have had the great fortune of having supportive family and partner, and now know that my feelings of inadequacy because of bedwetting were only in my head, and not in anyone else's. Reach out anytime - this group will always support you!
Hi Adam,

Welcome here glad you found it. We are all very open and honest. And try to help people through things as best we can. Not sure if you have spoke with a doctor about bed wetting. I know it probably seems awkward but honestly doctors have seen and heard everything and they are there to help you.

The only reason why I raise this is sometimes incontinence issues are a result of major neurological problems. I have daytime issues with majority of the time urinary due to MS. I am 39 years old and basically wear protection 24/7.

I hope you can find support here and answers to any questions you may have. Cheers.
Hello Adam. Welcome aboard. We are all full of answers here. If you have any questions, we are here to help. I to suffer for long term bedwetting. I have dealt with it most of my life. It was a huge struggle dealing with it at first. Going to the doctors and having them just tell me that it will get better in time. Well, here I am now at 46 years of age still wetting the bed. I have come to terms with myself and now I don't even think about much anymore. I have issues during the day also. Not as bad as the night time issues. By morning, my diaper is pretty wet. There are a lot of people out there that have the same problems as we here have. Some deal with it differently than others. Never feel ashamed of yourself. Alway keep your head held high and always think of the great stuff in life. You have come to the right place.
Thank you all for the welcome!

I didn't say so in my intro, but my issues mostly stem from anxiety and PTSD from one or two bad experiences in my past.
Welcome, Adam. I know you don't want to be a member of this group, but here we all are. It's good to have you here. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, issues or just want to vent!
Hi Adam, and we are very happy you're here! Stay with us awhile and you will quickly know you have come to the right place and you can be as open as you want! We here have varying degrees and causes of incontinence which is a part of the lives of everyone here. However incontinence does not define who we are.
So please don't feel inadequate as you, like all of us here, have a lot of strong points and you quickly realize your own strengths and see those in others. One thing I have learned here is people with our challenges seem to be generally more empathetic and supportive of others facing challenges as we have a lot of tricks of the trade in how we deal with incontinence. We are happy to share those "tricks" and I'm sure you will have some of your own to share. So if you have any questions then please ask away!
I hope you enjoy getting to know us and enjoy chatting with us.:D
Hello Adam! Welcome! Thank you for introducing yourself! What part of the country are you in? I’m in Salt Lake City, UT but I’m a Californian at heart.
Thanks for being brave enough to show yourself in your profile picture.

I’m 44 years old, female. 5.5 years ago I fell down a cliff while snowboarding and severed most of the nerves between my bladder and my brain, so now I have Neurogenic Bladder, which manifests as OAB and nocturnal enuresis. I was never good at sleeping but now I’m extra bad at it.

I also suffer from anxiety and PTSD, but they’re not the cause of my bladder problems. I’m sorry they are, for you. Trauma is so challenging to work through. There are others here whose bedwetting is also caused by anxiety and trauma, and are all age ranges. You’ll get to know them, too.

We talk about *everything* here and really support one another, so please feel free to share anything. I felt totally isolated by bedwetting until I found this forum and since then I’ve felt so much better about accepting it and knowing I’m not alone. I even know two other members who live within a few miles of me, which is extra reassuring. Hopefully we’ll be able to cheer you right up!

Happy Halloween!
Hi Adam,
Jim in Maryland here. Welcome! You are among a great bunch of people here. Glad to have you as part of the group!
Hey Adam, welcome! You’re definitely not alone. I’m also a bedwetter and have OAB and at 59 I finally feel comfortable about it. I just started dating again after a divorce a few years ago and I’m totally upfront by the second or 3rd date and I get nothing but positive response and understanding.

Just know that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you!
Hi Adam86. I'm the grandmother of this chat site and fairly recent contributor myself. My problem is daytime incontinence which really limits my activities, and I've had the problem since my early 30s but it has gotten a lot worse in the last few years. The people here are so encouraging and helpful to one another. I love them all. I predict you'll start to feel quite at home here.
Well ok. Thanks to everyone who extended a welcome to me.

Let me start by saying I'm no stranger to bedwetting, as I dealt with it as a kid into my teens. And diapers too, my parents put me in night diapers when I was 10 or so. And I stayed with them until I stopped wetting around 16.

I had a good long dry spell for about 10yrs where I was only having accidents once or twice a month. Then in my 20's something bad happened to me...I was sexually assaulted. And that took a toll on me. Not long after the incident, my wetting started again.

At first I thought it was just a random thing, an accident here or there, nothing major. Right? But as time went on it became more and more regular again, to the point it was nightly. So having been a bedwetter as a kid, it was fairly easy for me to go back to diapers at night. At first, I thought it was a temporary thing, that it was a phase and would die down again. But it didn't.

Over the years I've had therapy a few times. That's how I came to know I suffer from PTSD from the incident. Its never been easy for me to discuss even in the safe space of therapy. But it is what it is.

Eventually I reached a point where I've been able to mostly accept what happened and stopped blaming myself, and stop feeling like a piece of shit over it...but even still, the bedwetting hasn't left me.

At this point in time, I'm mostly at peace with my experience, and just live with the bedwetting as a result of it. So yes, I'm 33 and still wet the bed. Yes, I wear diapers at night to manage the issue.

Even though it is dreadful at times and really gets me down, I do my best to live my life and not let myself be defined as a bedwetter...even though it weighs heavily on my mind almost every day.
@Adam86 hi i suffered sexual abuse too and also suffer with ptsd and am a bedwetter so your not alone. Not been on this forum for long but everyone's been really nice to me x
Thanks Alana.

You know, I think one of the things that has bogged me down so badly is the fact that I'm a guy...and was assaulted. You know? There's this stigma in modern society that men are ALWAYS the abusers and never the victim. And having been a victim of abuse, has made me feel like a lesser man and that there's something wrong with me. Then add to it the fact that I wet the bed...its taken a toll on my psyche
Adam, it’s not your fault that you were abused. Put the blame on the abuser. There are so many good people on this site that are here to listen and help anyway they can.
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