Has depression reached its worse?


Staff member
Any men out there that has had incontience so long that they can’t get a erectiion in years and penis shrinkage that have started wearing women’s panties and pads since I guess it seems you feel more like a woman than a man / the only sexual feelings I have left is when my wife uses a strap on me to give me some sexual stimulation or a prostate massage every week or so / so depressing
Ok. Pleeaase excuse me but, WTF! I come here for help and hopefully give help. I won't be returning if this becomes the norm.
We understand depression and the need for an outlet but please keep your details to yourself!! This is a family site and you need to watch what you put on here please
Not offended/ I’m tellin it how it’s been for me / if it helps others good / cause it can happen to any of us
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