Happy I found out what’s wrong, unhappy with the result


Staff member
So I met with the urologist today. It looks like I have neurogenic bladder so it looks like I’m going to be in pull-ups the rest of my life. Basically what happens is that because I have cerebral palsy, my excretory muscles spasm open and shut and the urgency in my brain to go to the bathroom is not the urgency actually going on in my body. This leads to releasing a small amount before I get to the toilet. I’m not sure how to feel about that because while I’m happy that I found out what’s wrong, I’m also not happy with the outcome.
Hey rdouga1. Don't resign yourself so soon. The rest of your life will hopefully be a long time. My Grandfather would have gladly had his cancerous prostate removed if the technology, skill and robots could have saved him in 1957. Any technician will tell you that the toughest part of fixing a problem is determining what actually is broken. You know that, so focus on what you have to do fix it, piece by piece. The answer may not be out there yet, but It might be sooner than you expect!
Agreed with wml1963.

I can agree rdouga1 it’s not the best or most desirable outcome but hey it could have been a lot worse too. I think sometimes we ourselves are way to hard on ourselves and give ourselves little credit. I too have neurogenic bladder though mine is as a result of spinal lesions during an MS attack and I will be in diapers and or pull-ups for the rest of my life. I granted don’t always see that as a bad thing lol

I don’t have to wait in bathroom line ups etc. To take a leak I can just go. It’s not always the most desirable however it definitely isn’t the worse though either. I challenge myself to look for positives in things. Lol.

Another advantage for myself and a diagnosis of ms I do not have to argue with doctors for medications to treat certain aliments granted though prescriptions work very well in my body so I am lucky that way.

I just would challenge you to attempt to see it from a different perspective or a positive light and see if that helps.


I am very similar. I have cerebral palsy and urge incontinence as well. i had my first round of botox about a month ago, and it is helping so far. No more daytime diapers. There may still be some options out there. Don't give in yet.
Don't ever give up hope - spiritually we can overcome anything. I hope this helps -

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” God is concerned for each one of His children. Our suffering matters to Him.

Regardless of any outcome - it does not change YOU for who YOU are. While I don't know you; I've found comfort in reading scripture and if spirituality isn't your thing - try dabbling in a hobby or something that will distract you and keep you happy.

You matter to God. You matter on Earth.

Total get it. Sometimes knowing what is going on puts us in a weird situation where we are happy to know but not happy to know what it means. The good thing to focus on is that you have an understanding of why. Maybe not a control of how to change the why, but you know why. To me that is very helpful.

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