Hopefully we’ll all somehow get used to how this works and stay in touch.
Hi Snow. Haven’t heard from you in a while. I’ve been in and out of hospital dealing with other health issues. I hope you’re doing better. I miss how helpful you are to so many members. Thank you for all you do. Still trying to get used to this new site design. I was surprised I had to reregister to sign back in. Nice to see you again.
Hi Snow. Haven’t heard from you in a while. I’ve been in and out of hospital dealing with other health issues. I hope you’re doing better. I miss how helpful you are to so many members. Thank you for all you do. Still trying to get used to this new site design. I was surprised I had to reregister to sign back in. Nice to see you again.
Hi chris - I think we all are struggling more or less. I also had to reregister - surprising. Activity on the new forum has been down compared to the old. @Administrator mentioned they would reduce number of sub forums or discussions. I hope there will be one that is general that is picking up what we had in the old forum.
And adding to your praise of @snow - she has been a big support and source of information for so many of us.
I guess my biggest complaint in the transition is the archived posts did not preserve the original authors. By stripping out their identity, it makes following the threads pointlessly difficult. Come on 'staff' ETL is elementary school level comp sci/engr.
Haven't looked at the archives. Do you mean that the person that posted the archive is not mentioned for writing the archive on a particular subject? I suppose if you wanted to contact a person via private messinging - or not - it could be helpful in reading the archive if the person who put it out there where mentioned by username. Am I making any sense?? - Pam
Yep, Pam, you are correct: all those past posts we wrote are not credited with our names. So if someone read a post I wrote about bed wetting products and they had further questions about my post, they would have no idea who to contact.
Has anyone else noticed that nobody has a flag next to their name any more, either? I appreciated knowing when somebody was from another country.
I agree snow. It was very nice having the flag of our country of origin. Besides having an idea of who we were talking to, the vocabulary which was never hard to figure out was fun to see - Often we learned little tidbits of how companies, medical issues, and product availability operated in another country. It was interesting. - I always got emails from NAFC. Every day. Not anymore.
It would be something so easy for them to re-add but I don’t think they’re listening to any of our concerns whatsoever because there’s no sign that they are
Yeah know - As I said - I'm not going to jump around trying to find everyone. I miss seeing the usual gang, but at this point I have no idea except for a few who if anyone actually re-registered.
Has anyone else noticed that nobody has a flag next to their name any more, either? I appreciated knowing when somebody was from another country.
I also missed that part. I was thinking maybe to start a thread where people could say where they are - the solution in the old forum was great.
I also missed that part. I…

Yeah know - ….

It would be something so easy

Seems the @someone doesn’t create a link to the person…to the point about country, I noted (replied) that you can edit your profile to add a pic, info about yourself, and a location, aka country or planet.

Edit: oops, the links work! The color is changed from the default to a less obvious one.
Also, most, but not all, of us are listed as “new” members. There’s no explanation for that, either.

Likely there was no way to credit previous accounts with their likes, ♥️, and posting history as they decided to just restart the forum and not migrate data.

They also, as you noticed, made it public, no sign in wall.
No, I definitely didn’t notice they made it public. That infuriates me to no end. That will very likely curb my participation.
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