Glad for the protection today


Staff member
I woke up 12:30am with bad chest pain. My husband took me to the ER. I told the first nurse about my OAB and urge incontinence and the first shift was really good about coming to get me up as soon as I rang and I had no accidents for hours. Then I finally fell asleep and they changed shifts. When I rang for the restroom when I woke up, no one came. They didn’t come when I rang a second time, and eventually I had an accident. Luckily I still had my protective underwear on under my gown and only a tiny bit leaked to the bed. They apologized when the aide finally came in and said there was some sort of big emergency during shift change and the earlier shift forgot to tell them and they were still trying to catch up. She cleaned up the bed, got me a pad and put a chux on the bed for me. Would have been a big mess if I hadn’t had the underwear on. Thats the first time I had to tell anyone about it. Oh, and I am fine. My heart tests were all normal so they think it was either GERD or a muscle spasm.
most of the time when I have been in the ER or in the hospital they have been pretty good about helping with my needs I can understand if they have an emergency not being able to get to you right away and the hospital I use has a "CALL DON'T FALL" policy even if you able to move on your own that don't want you moving on your own without someone there my biggest complaint is the diapers they use they seem to only have one size and they are some cheap bariatric diaper with a clothlike cover and they never can get them to fit right they are always too loose falling off and leaky
You have a thoughtful and grateful outlook on the situation, it is going to serve you well.
Thank you for reminding us that we are fortunate to have quality products available which was not so even a few decades ago and that hospital staff are quite accustomed to accidents of this nature.
Glad you had a good heart health outcome!
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