Getting depressed


Staff member
Hi everyone I’m 7 weeks post surgery for prostate removal. I still don’t really have control of bladder yet and It’s really got me down at this stage. I can walk 3-4 miles a day and not leak it’s when I go from sitting to standing the flood gates open. I know everyone says be patient it will come back but other than keegels is there anything else I can do to stop the flood when I stand up? Thanks for everyone’s help here I really appreciate it.
I’m with ya. I’m 8 months out and down to one pad and leaking standing up doesn’t happen anymore.... hang in there
I went for pelvic floor therapy which helped a lot. A therapist can help identify which muscles your not engaging to stand. A lot of it has to do with pressure management. I tend to hold my breath. Try exhaling before you stand.
Try grabbing your crotch before rising. I find this helps with coughing and sneezing. Rising from a chair is not a problem for me now.
Hey Brendan,

Im sorry that your having to go through this. While I don't suffer from daytime leaking - only in certain instances. My problem is nighty bedwetting, which sucks in its own right. Wearing pads isn't cool - I don't know how old you are but 27 here and been managing since my mid 20s.

I have had night terrors due to the PTSD and I resonate with the standing up and just leaking which feels like flooding. Its not a good feeling, while its been a long long time since I experienced it, I remember having that issue when I got really scared as a child. Its those memories that sometimes pop up in my night terrors of abuse where I imagine myself having that happen to me.

You're not alone bro - and things will get better. Don't beat yourself over it. Sorry I got too personal, but you deserve to know your feelings are valid. Shame is heavier than any emotion I've ever dealt with.

Keep being a part of this community and eventually you will get there. Those type of surgeries have very high success rates.

Hi Brendan, I hope I'm not too late to add my two cents here! It's good you walk three to four miles a day! I'm a big walker myself and walking is great exercise for any of us. It's god the incontinence doesn't happen when you walk, but as you say, going from a sitting position to standing can be a real bear!:O Have to do it in the morning these days as Florida can and does get hot very quickly and on top of that we're dodging thunderstorms on many afternoons.
I know it seems that your recovery is taking its good ol' time but everybody recovers at different rates. I like Riverchase's comments about pelvic floor therapy. Maybe you can call your doctor and arrange for that. Surgery does funny things to muscles etc. and it seems yours just heeds a bit of extra help. And 56vw had a good suggestions as well. I've had hernia surgery (two sides, inguinal hernia) and holding on "down there" does help. So do try that as well.
And @Honeeecombs, excellent post from you as well!! You have the spirit of what this group is all about! Great support there!:D
Brendan, the key is to keep being a part of this community. Please ask us anything, vent, or just to comment on your progress. Even if you just want to say "hello," that's cool too! Wishing for your continuing recovery, Bill
Hi Brendan,

I'm right there with you bro. 4 weeks post RP surgery and I'm still looking for any improvement. That's actually really good that you can walk and not leak. The urine flows most of the time for me except while sleeping. Meeting with my Dr on Friday to discuss my (lack of) progress. LOL

I will hang in there if you will!

Brendan said:
Hi everyone I’m 7 weeks post surgery for prostate removal. I still don’t really have control of bladder yet and It’s really got me down at this stage. I can walk 3-4 miles a day and not leak it’s when I go from sitting to standing the flood gates open. I know everyone says be patient it will come back but other than keegels is there anything else I can do to stop the flood when I stand up? Thanks for everyone’s help here I really appreciate it.
Hey Brendan: I am six weeks out today from my RP and still leaking. I go through about 5 Depends daily with Guards on the inside of those about half the time. I can get about 3 hours between needing a change if I manage with a depends Guard insert. I placed a call to my Surgeon today to see if they could give me a script for some PT for the pelvic floor exercises. Does anyone know if all PT facilities offer this or just some specialists? How would I find out some in my area? This whole thing is getting very depressing for me. I have seen some improvement but it is very slight. Am I doing the exercises correctly. Should I try and tighten up my mussels as I walk and move around? How about standing up? Should I tighten up before standing? Maybe I should try walking on my hands? Has anyone tried one of those Dick Clamps...?
This is getting to be quite a bit more that I thought I was up for prior to surgery. Keep on Keepin On! Rayl in ARIZONA
I have been known to get depressed when I have a particuarly smelly nappy for no reason at all

like: i've not eaten much all day, drank much all day, and my next nappy still stinks. I end up talking to myself.. em come on... do you really need to be so dirty and smelly?. you've not got any reason to be

also sometimes if I've made use of my nappy straight after my shower it gets to me. you know: all clean and made the effert, and then a huge accident

sorry you're suffering. incontinence is hard!
Rayl said:
Hey Brendan: I am six weeks out today from my RP and still leaking. I go through about 5 Depends daily with Guards on the inside of those about half the time. I can get about 3 hours between needing a change if I manage with a depends Guard insert. I placed a call to my Surgeon today to see if they could give me a script for some PT for the pelvic floor exercises. Does anyone know if all PT facilities offer this or just some specialists? How would I find out some in my area? This whole thing is getting very depressing for me. I have seen some improvement but it is very slight. Am I doing the exercises correctly. Should I try and tighten up my mussels as I walk and move around? How about standing up? Should I tighten up before standing? Maybe I should try walking on my hands? Has anyone tried one of those Dick Clamps...?
This is getting to be quite a bit more that I thought I was up for prior to surgery. Keep on Keepin On! Rayl in ARIZONA

Hey Rayl I have the same questions regarding PT as you. When I get the info from my Dr on Friday I was pass it on.
Hey Brendan, just as a side note, we are living through some pretty incredible experiences right now as a society and a Country, so if you weren’t feeling a little off I’d be worried too! I second & third the physical therapy. After over 35 major surgeries, I credit my physical therapists as much as my surgeons in some cases. I’ve worked out, practiced Martial Arts, street biked, mountain biked etc. my whole life and thought I knew my body pretty well, but a good Physical Therapist can make a tremendous difference. Sometimes it’s more rapid healing, sometimes it’s just a slight correction, but I’ve always felt better when taking some control of my recovery. Never hurts to have a cheerleader in your corner either!
@Brendan - Would you mind updating us on how you are doing?

I am 23 days post Prostatectomy. Two days after they removed the catheter, I was having a really tuff time. I wrote the following as an email draft. From reading post, I sent my urologist a message through the patient portal on Oct 7 about 1) walking and 2) using 16 pads a day. He responded with a phone call! Made me feel much better. He stated start walking 1/2 mile and build, but be mindful of the pelvic and lower abdomen. He said that 16 pads was a lot and to use pull-ups. To measure progress from week to week. Week 2 - 12 pullups a day. Week 3 - 9 pullups a day.

@Brendan - back to you - For me, feeling the emotion and writing my feeling is a draft email helps.
I hope the following helps you in acknowledge your emotions and I hope your healing is progressing.

October 3, 2020

Day 9 after surgery and Day 2 after catheter removal

Subject: Today I am angry and that is okay

Just to state up front - Having the Prostatectomy with my urologist in Houston, TX was right for me.

Today I woke up angry. That is okay. I need to feel and state my emotions. Today was the first time that I cried in years. The emotions came rolling in as anger for having Prostate Cancer, having the prostate removed, and having to go through 16 depends guards in one day. I know it will get better. I know the number of times that I piss myself will reduce greatly within just this week. Today I have to say - My situation has gotten to me. I can say that I am angry at the world, I need to feel the emotion so I can release it. I don't want to talk to anyone today. And that is OKAY.

I made breakfast, I washed laundry, I washed dishes, and the dishwasher is running.

Getting to the surgery and the following week with the catheter, I was caught in the whirlwind. I had so many things on my check list of coordinating doctors (GP/HIV, cardiology, endocrinology, hematology/oncology), lab test, and research of options and others experience (I was fortunate being able to talk candidly with two people who choose different paths within the past 4 years) as well as having friends that spoke with people in their orbits that had a prostatectomy.

I had been so focus and busy that the reality of the first several days without the catheter is very messy. I thought with the catheter with fluids leaking between the tube and urethra that I was prepared.

I have been fortunate that everything has been contained and the towels I have been sitting on or laying on have not been needed.

Today - My situation has gotten to me mental / emotional.
Thehudson1965 I’m doing so much better I’m 15 weeks out now and down to 2 pads a day. I’m able to slowly walk to the bathroom and go with no leaking. I still walk everyday and this is when I leak most. It’s been a long road for me and hopefully with the improvements I’m seeing in the last 2 weeks I’ll be near 100% next month.
Hi @Brendan, Just keep up the good work and you'll get there! It may take a bit longer than you would like but by persevering you are one day closer to complete recovery each morning you wake up!
And it's like I've always said, do a bit more today than you did the day before!
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