Frequent urination nights


Staff member
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I take Prolia for osteoporosis and find that I’m getting up 5 x during nite, no urinary tract infection, any help / don’t drink coffee or tea thsnkd
I know this maybe hard to like but wear a diaper. Sleep is much more important than pride. I have similar issues and have resorted to wearing diapers at night. It was not all that foreign to me because I was a diapered bed wetter in my youth. I now once again enjoy a good nights rest. Worth the inconvenience.
Frequent urination can be a symptom of all sorts of conditions, such as diabetes, prostatis, etc. It is probably best to have it checked. While I do use a diaper, urination habits are very deeply ingrained in us. You will still wake up, and it is very difficult to learn to sleep through wetting. Also, it's not easy to just lie there and pee, after being conditioned for years not to do that.
Danman said:
Frequent urination can be a symptom of all sorts of conditions, such as diabetes, prostatis, etc. It is probably best to have it checked. While I do use a diaper, urination habits are very deeply ingrained in us. You will still wake up, and it is very difficult to learn to sleep through wetting. Also, it's not easy to just lie there and pee, after being conditioned for years not to do that.

Tell me about it... :O Been using condom catheters and a 2 liter urine bag at night for about a year and a half. Still find it difficult to urinate while lying down and most of the time I have to stand up...
did anyone just find out they have OAB and all of a sudden you start wetting the bed at night. I wake up and I am urinating. this is so upsetting. I was a child bed wetter and now I am 68 and wonder if its going to be this way the rest of my life. I am active and want to stay active. I wear protection all day because I have in during the day also. Please if anyone has answers please respond. I juist starts the use the apex M , that does your kegals for you. I think it is helping during the day but not at night. It is suppose to be a very effective treatment . I quess I will let you know in a couple of months, your suppose to use it for 12 to 15 weeks 6 days a week . Thanks
I also wonder if people who have adult Incontinence were bed wetters in their early years like from3-12 . I was and I can never get an answer if it is caused now because I used to wet every nite until I was 11 0r 12 years old. Ithink my problem may relate to the childhood problem. It all staffed over bad after I had my 2nd child at 29. not so bad for years, but keeps getting worse. I am 68 years old now and active. Hate wearing depends all the time .I would appreciate some feedback about this.
I wet the bed when I was young and now it's back. I believe there is a relationship. I think someone has done a study on this and it indicates that youthful bed wetters have more of a tendency to have bladder problems latter on. Certainly my case.
me too, thanks for responding. I asked about two Drs. and they just looked at me and said nothing. both we urolgists. well I know bedwetting is passed down to your children, but my kids were not bedwetters and none of my grandchildren are either. I am so upset about this happening to me. I am bound to find out why, and if the pexM I am using will help this problem also. It is so frustrating for me. we like to travel and now I have to drag sheet liners along. What next
Sorry to say but if you have any imagination, we know what could be next. So wet pants really is not so bad.
Enjoy and have fun, despite it all. For me being a diapered bed wetter in my youth made it much easier to accept being a diapered bedwetter in my Golden Years.
Studies have found that childhood enuresis can lead to adult incontinence.

Urologists are funny birds. When they don't know a definite answer, they hit their default settings. I had one not understand that I could have Urge Incontinence and Enuresis, because I should wake up to go to the bathroom if I have to pee. Thanks, Doc.
Your Welcome Colin, Sometimes I can't understand how I got this old? Just try your Best every day and ENJOY.
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