First time

I would recommend you go to your health care practitioner and get a urinalysis. Perhaps you just have a UTI. Once you get a diagnosis, you will be able to determine a good treatment.
I'd not worry about one night. If it continues then go get checked out. Sometimes anxiety and stress can cause transient bedwetting. I don't really buy that, but that's what they say. I'd give it a few weeks before worrying. Worst case scenario is you end up sleeping in adult diapers like most of us here. Best case is it's nothing and goes away.
Wetting the bed after a years-long period of not doing so suggests that there may well be a medical problem. Wetting twice in one night is also unusual and a concern. I strongly suggest that you see a doctor sooner rather than later.
Thank you for responces I have had two dry nights in a row and woke up when I had go. I am going to wait and see what happen.
Badger, A one time bedwetting accident wouldn't worry me too much. Only if it started to happen more frequently then a check up would be a good idea.

Hope it was just a random incident for you.
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