I can’t stand the thought of you being all alone forever, just because of this.
I just thought I’d send some positive thoughts and history your way:
When I was involved in my accident back in 87 I was only 26 years old and married to my High School Sweetheart. Being a very athletic person and living in San Diego I had a GREAT life going, or so I thought.
My ex-wife turned into such a @#$&*! She said she couldn’t stand to see her “Man” in a diaper… Nothing mentioned about the time I was in a coma, or all the surgeries I endured to put my body back together. I started investing at 16 y/o.and started my own businesses while still in school. I ended up giving her a six figure fortune for laying by the pool and clothes shopping for 6 years, while I went to school full time and ran my businesses. I just had to get her away from me!
I just didn’t know what I was going to do, or how I was going to get past this..
After PT one day a nurse came to me and DEMANDED! I ask her out. She had my records and didn’t care about my underwear! For a year we had a great time together, but she was a traveling nurse and was offered Hawaii, her dream job so off she went. She gave me the confidence to get in the game, as I hadn’t dated since Freshman year of High School. Talk about a new world! I loved dating! I had a blast for over 10 years. I never let diapers get in the way. I was confident in the fact I was a decent somewhat intelligent person with a wide range of interests, and loved to have a good time.I lost count of how many women I dated before I met my Wife, but never once did my UNDERWEAR cause the end of a relationship. After seeing all the scars on my legs, back, shoulders etc. I gained more respect, if anything many wanted to rescue me?
As I’ve mentioned in the past, my Wife just calls them my uniforms, as in school we both had no choice but to wear a uniform every day, so somehow that joke stuck, and it will be 21 years this September.
I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it, YOU deserve the same!
I hope I haven’t overstepped, but we all deserve to be happy. and in 30 years of this I’ve never met or spoke with anyone who intentionally became incontinent, if anything we’re all victims of a sort, but I’ve never played the victim card and won’t start now!
All my best & Happy Memorial Day!