Finally an Answer!!!


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I'm a 35 year old female. I have a 15yr old and a 5yr old. I'm also engaged to be married. I've been a bed wetter for as long as I can remember.This is very embarrassing for me. I've been dealing with this since I was a child. My dad also suffered frm this as an adult. It's not something that's easy to talk about. I'm 35yrs old and my 5 yr old has better control than me. It makes me angry, embarrassed, and ashamed. I took meds as a child but my mom stopped me from taking them, she didn't want me to become dependent. My mom used to scream at me, and get angry. That didnt help at all, I used to feel like a loser. Never really going to sleepovers. Some nights are better than others, but it's a problem that needed to be addressed. I found a dr in my area and had a urine dynamics test done. It turns out that I have sensitive nerves, that causes me to use the bathroom constantly. I was prescribed meds, and will soon start taking them. Hopefully this will end the bedwetting and the constant running to the bathroom. It took alot of encouragement from my fiancé, to finally see a dr. And now I feel somewhat relived that it's something that can be fixed. If there's any advice that I could give to anyone, is to go to a specialist. Yes bedwetting is embarrassing and definitely not a subject that anyone wants to talk abt as an adult, but there is help out there. I cried in Dr's office, just talking about it, but I'm so happy that I finally took that step to get the help that I need.
Have you all had studies done on your bladder? My daughter had studies done and they found that she had high, high pressure in her bladder , as well as spasms. She is getting the bladder pacemaker in tomorrow. She has tried all of the medication. When she was younger, we saw 3 pediatric urologist, who all told her she was constipated and lazy. Finally, at 16 she was allowed to see a female , adult urologist , who did the studies....inserting a cathater, filling her bladder, and watching it through an x-ray type machine. Then after that, she knew what exactly the problem was and it WASN'T her fault. So make sure you are taken seriously by your doctor, if not switched. You can also get botox put into your bladder 2 times a year, which could help.My daughter chose not to do this but to go for the surgery. Also, make sure your bowels work every day or lots of fiber, metimusil, bran muffins....this can contribute to wetting. I will keep you all informed on her surgery. It's called a bladder pacemaker or bladder stimulator
Yes so far so good klosk :) I've had the best sleep ever since starting the meds. Not worrying abt bedwetting. It's definitely a relief.
I had the same study done dedevz. That's how my dr was able to identify that I have sensitive nerves. He also suggested the bladder pacemaker as a long term solution in the future. Good luck to your daughter, wishing her the best.
She had the first surgery today. She's had very little pain....everything should be worn off by now. It may take a few days to work....I will let you all know!!! We are all very hopeful and excited!!!!
Well, my daughter had her first of 2 surgeries yesterday. She's doing great. She has wires and a battery pack all taped to her back....hardly any pain. There are 3 small incisions where they put in the wires into her spine. The nerves tell the brain to then tell the bladder when to go. She was DRY last night. She had much more of an urge to go to the bathroom today. On Tuesday, she will go to the hospital again, go under and have the battery put into her upper butt. The batter should last 7-10 years. We're very excited!!!
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