Feeling better.


Staff member
Like everything, stuff is a process. My issue is that I deal with anxiety with new things especially if those things stress me out or make my feel sick.

Everything shifted and now my ostomy output is how it should be. Getting indigestion from dehydration sucks though so I have to watch that closely.

The good thing is that I feel better today than I have since surgery on the 15th so, that is a good thing.

Taking it a day at a time is what my ostomy nurse said I have to do.

Every day will be like a different hand of cards and I have to fit my diet, liquid, and fiber intake to that. Sucks that this had to happen but truly I feel more like myself than I have in the last three years. My back still kills and my guts hurt but I hope that all gets better with time.
Anxiety -- me too! Diagnosis: Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Was handling it with Clonazepam. Then that got taken away. Associated with Alzheimer's. Never learned how to handle anxiety without drugs. Having to learn it now. Found a supplement called Calm that helps. Main ingredient is Magnesium. Yes, when one is an anxious person one has to take it a day at a time. Don't dwell on the past, don't get too far ahead of oneself. Don't fear the feature. There is something in the Bible about how tomorrow will take care of itself. Concern oneself with today only. Why does your back still kill? I have that problem too. My colon hurts when I get constipated. I wish you well.
Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery. My sweet, sweet sister had a colostomy bag that I would help her with. Hers was up really high-just under her breast. I believe it was actually called an ileostomy. We would use alot of paper tape to cover the "bees wax" base. We also would always make sure the "ring" of the bag was well fastened to the bees wax base. For whatever reason we never just unhooked the bag from the base- we would change out the entire setup three times a week: if memory serves me. She would use coffee cans to empty it out in-between changes. It was a learning curve but we figured out a few tricks along the way. It got to be second nature for us after awhile. Practice makes perfect I guess. The little sticky prep wipes have alcohol in them so the area was kept meticulous-no breakdown. You'll get the hang of it after practice too. I suppose it's like driving a car or anything else in life- the more you do it the better you'll become at it. Baby wipes became a best friend. That and little plastic shopping bags. I'm so glad you are feeling better. Oh- one more thing- everyone is different but for her peanut butter helped to make her "waste" more manageable-thicker I guess you could say. I'm rooting for you as we all are.

There is a lot of trial and error with essential oils or you could just get a good blend.

I always use a deffuser There are hundreds on Amazon

I would start with Calm oil from Revive Link below. That will mellow you out but not make you tired.

clickable text

And also try the Dreamer. If you have trouble sleeping.
clickable text

I have a two-part system and have to change everything every four days. The big thing is keeping more in than out. I use to drink 2L of water every day. Now it is 64oz of Gatorade plus as much water as I can get in with whatever else I want.

Then make sure that my output is like apple sauce and not just liquid so I do not get dehydrated.

It is a lot but I guess time will tell if this was all worth it.
Hi @ThatFLGuy,
It's the weekend and I'm catching up here! I have had a busy three weeks with field trips and guess what? The trips will continue through the third week of May but it keeps me out of trouble and off the corners!
I hope you're feeling better with each passing day and that you feel you're making progress. It will take a while but just stick with it and do as the doctors and nurses suggest and figure out what adjustments will need to be made. After a while you'll suddenly realize that you feel like getting back out into the world again but it won't happen overnight. You will make it!!!
The fact you've just said you are feeling more like yourself than you have in the past 3 years is really a good sign and very encouraging. Take care of yourself and remember to do just a little more each day than you did the day before!

I really do feel better. The catch is that once my stoma output starts getting more watery like right now than it is back to trying to prevent dehydration.

And what I have found is that water intake also make my bladder go back crazy so.
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