The worst part of being disabled right now.


Staff member
Yea, there is a lot about being disabled that sucks. Incontinence, spasms, lack of money to do things I love est.

I feel like being disabled and dealing with the day-to-day issues that I have is a full-time job.

It sucks because it takes so much effort to get the things done that I have to do that I end up not having the energy left to do the things that I want to do.

I also get bored all the time.

Before getting sick, I did so much but now I cannot and it sucks.

It also sucks having to pre-plan for everything.

I guess it could be worse.
Well, you are right. The condition of all living things is simply to adapt. Every one no matter how carefree they appear to an observer is adapting to things you cannot see.
Rejoice in the good times you've had. Find good things today.Because, yes you are right things could be worse.
"I guess it could be worse" Yeah, people always say that as if it, somehow, is supposed to make you feel better. But I've never known it to actually do so.

We "hang in there" and do the best we can.
Worst part of being disabled is being a disabled Veteran. Waiting weeks and months for 2nd rate medical care through the VA. It can get get very disheartening dealing with the indifference of the people you have to deal with at the VA.
Oh dear, Stevet61, I can only sympathise. People here who rely on our public health services experience the kind of inferior and delayed service, full of form filling and bureaucracy, that you are getting as a veteran - it is quite wrong. They promise you so much, and you are lauded as someone who fought for your country, and you get so little help.
I am sorry to hear that Steve61
My friend in Montana which has a high population of veterans has had amazing quick and useful response from VA. But elsewhere it seems spotty.
We appreciate you deserve better for the service to this fractured united state
@Stevet61 thank you for your service. I think the quality of the VA facilities varies by location. In Cleveland the VA hospital seems to be doing well. Good luck.

Thank you for your service. I will agree with what @DWLCPAJD Said.

My uncle is a disabled vet as well and had to move to Texas to get the care he needed. It is truly messed up what Veterans have to go though.

A lot of people here know how bad it has been for me dealing with the hospital I am stuck going to. I have not seen my GI doctor since last January.

And to think we can send billions of dollars to other countries but can't/don't take care of our own people. :(
My husband is a disabled vet and the VA Outpatient Clinic does little or nothing for him. He never sees the same doctor because the turnover is unreal. Most times he ends up seeing a PA because they have no doctors for him to see.
That is awful, but even for us "civilians" it can be weeks before we can get an appointment with a doctor. I think that's how PAs came into being! What is happening to this country? It seem like many of our systems are crumbling, or on the verge of crumbling!
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