Fecal In continence


Staff member
Is there anyone who can give me some tips on dealing with fecal leakage? A couple times a week. Not a lot but still have to wear a pad. It’s driving me crazy! I also have IBS & take meds for that. I do have a prolapse. Had physical therapy but not much help. Thanks
Don't have any suggestions - as far as the medical profession, anyway - but can recommend a product called "Butterfly". There is an imitator i tried (Amazon seller) that wasn't near as good. It has to be applied properly. The only difference between the men's and woman's is the color of the box. It is hard to find retail brick-and-morter. You may have luck with that in a big city. CVS on-line has it, although it is the devil to find on their website. If they give you the out-of-stock routine, call them, ask for the other sex product. You avoid shipping cost by ordering over $50.00, or singing up for auto delivery, but you will want to try it out, first. There may be other on-line retailers.
It is the least bulky of any incontinence - not visible under clothes - and silent. Takes a couple of weeks to get used to. On-line comment seems to agree.
Other than that, all i can offer is (1) see what a doctor says. I haven't bothered, as mine is as as little as yours, but maybe my on-line research 3 -4 years ago is out of date. (2) You aren't alone. Good luck.
Unfortunately i can't help you on the medical side either. I have only very few fecal accidents, but when it happens it's very stressful. Usually i feel periods of excessive bowel movement coming and try to take precautions. When i have to go out of the house in this condition anyway i use Peristeen Anal plugs. It's not as uncomfortable as i thought it would be, although it took some time to get used to it. Most important: it works well!
Best tip I can share is take Nullo daily because it eliminates odor and when your bowels leak you'll have time without the panic of everyone knowing. Also I watch what/when I eat and STAY AWAY from sugars and it's easily managed.
What else would you like to know, I've lived with bladder and bowel incon since 1997.
I have this issue when my stool is loose. I take a few loperamide in morning and night to help keep it solid. I also stay on a voiding schedule and try to void before going out. Between knowing that my stool is not soft because of the loperamide, and knowing that I just went, I can go out without much fear of an issue. I take the loperamide every single day regardless of how my guts are doing to ensure its solid. An enema a few hours before I leave home is also good practice for me. I never do it just before leaving because often times, there may still be fluid that hasnt been expelled or absorbed by the intestine yet. So if you leave thinking that you are all empty right after an enema, thing again! It can and will sneak up in you. There is also a product called a peristeen anal plug of sorts. It's an inverted mushroom shaped foam device that inserts like a tampon and opens up after insertion. It blocks watery, loose and solid stool but allows air/gas (FARTS!!😖😧😱🤭☠) to pass through. I've had great success from these.
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