Extra advice needed on Incontinence


Staff member
Ok, I had prostate cancer and had that removed in April. I'm still dealing with leakage and looking for more advice. I do my pelvic floor exercises, i've all but quick coffee which I love, i don't drink pop, and I am trying to cut down on any foods that stimulate the bladder. What else can I do?
@RBG Find a good “pelvic floor” physical therapist. They will do more for you than any one else. They can use a device that will show you if you are doing kegels properly and provide a stretching routine that will strengthen your core that your pelvic floor depends upon. Good luck with your recovery!
There is also “sling” surgery to address incontinence. Outpatient, less invasive than AUS, which has worked well for many.
I really appreciate the responses.
I did go to a Pelvic Floor PT for 2 sessions. It has helped but needing more thus this post.
I walk every day. I work from home so I take frequent breaks.
I will get more info on what Sling and AUS surgeries are.
I also had hip surgery and back surgery this year so it's been a rough one.
Thank you again.
RGB I understand the frustration and after the first three months when I saw little improvement I was very despondent. About 6 months I saw considerable improvement and that continued for a good while. Bear in mind that improvement is not a " straight line graph" but often a case of ups and downs. Also note that some people see improvement for 18 months or even two years.
I'm doing repeat Pelvic Floor Therapy. Had a procedure to implant the Axonix device. I'm.now able to sleep thru the night -- 5 to 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep! But still have urinary incontinence, urinary retention, & fecal incontinence. So hopeful the P.T. can address these issues.
Thanks much. From what I can understand, most of my incontinence is stress incontinence...lifting, etc. I don't mind getting up in the middle of the night a couple times to urinate and put a new pad in if needed. Resting in bed is not an issue. I do the Pelvic Floor exercises and try to walk daily. I would just like to get to the point where normal things during the day don't cause so many issues. Unsure about those two surgeries mentioned at this point. Any other ideas?
No I don't think there are many other options. It will be a case of gradual improvement for a period of time. Then we must be realistic in recognition of the fact that according to most medical practices 1 in 5 men will not achieve full continence. And who knows how accurate those figures are? I have had to face the fact that I am most likely in that group. That leaves me with the choice of living life and managing the incontinence with pads, conveens etc or going for a surgical option like the sling or the artificial sphincter.
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