Embarrassed putting on diapers in front of Spouse?

Yep @jrpoorman, just a different type of underwear. That's all it is! No big deal. And thankful they work well enough for our needs! :)
Eventhough my wife has seen me in taped diapers for a long time now ,I still feel more comfortable putting them on in private. I recall her seeing me putting them on a couple of times and it didn't bother her at all. In fact if I needed her help she would have no problem. I also feel with privacy there is less attention to my urinary issue.
I was uncomfortable for a long time, but lately it's become so routine that I hardly think about it. We're often chatting with each other in the morning while I'm putting on my diaper.

She frequently makes comments to the effect that I'm hot, which I have a lot of trouble believing since I feel like a fat old guy in a diaper. I have to remind myself that she feels like a short, fat old woman, but I still find her the most beautiful woman in the world, and she probably feels similarly about me. Sometimes it's not the physical reality but rather what your relationship means to you that determines your sense of beauty.
Hi @ltapilot, those are terrific sentiments! I think you two are so lucky to have each other! Wishing you a long and happy marriage! :D
What a great topic and I am so pleased I am not the only one who feels awkward putting a pad on. My fiance has been with me for 10 years and knows I wear occasionally and has lived with my incontinence. He has been really supportive yet I still feel awful when I put my stuff on in front of him.
Hi @laalaauk, Your fiancé probably wouldn't think anything of it if you put your "stuff" on in front of him. As supportive as he's been he knows that incontinence doesn't define you as a person but it is still a part of you and has fully accepted that. And you are lucky to have a fiancé like that! :D
@billliveshere Very true mate. We have a great relationship and although we don't have sex anymore, we still love each other to the moon and back. Relationships like this are hard to come by and he is one in a million. I still feel blessed having him in my life.
Wow, you really are lucky @laalaauk! :D Someone like that comes once in a blue moon so do your best to hang onto him! As for me, I'm still waiting for my ship to come in and I seem to be waiting at the airport! :O
I’m very lucky. I revealed that I wear diapers when we were first dating. I thought it might be a deal breaker, but it wasn’t. My then girlfriend/now wife was so supportive that she even helped me get my diaper (sometimes cloth, sometimes disposable) on almost every night for quite a long time when we moved in together. Now, after almost 8 years together, she doesn’t put them on me every night, but still likes to do so once in a while. I like the extra attention from her.
My wife has seen me in diapers several times. Now that the kids are grown and out of the house, there isn't any need to be real secretive or hiding things. If I'm not in the house when my cloth diapers are done in the dryer, I'm likely to find them folded in a stack on the counter in the laundry room, with my plastic pants drying on a hanger.

As far as wearing them around her, she's actually asked me to get diapered before bed a few times. I prefer to lay down on the bed to put them on, and she sometimes goes to bed before me, if I'm watching TV. If I "diaper-up" after she's gone to bed, I tend to wake her up as I'm going thru the process, so she asks me pretty regularly to get my diaper on before I sit down to watch a movie. ( That's ALWAYS a clue that she doesn't plan on staying up long.)

We have 2 bathrooms, one off the main bedroom. I keep my diaper pail in that one, so visitors don't see it. Sometimes in the morning, if we're rushing around getting ready for work, we'll pass each other while I'm headed to the bathroom. If I've had quite a wet night, she might say "Well, you certainly needed a diaper last night!!" or "Better a wet diaper instead of a wet bed!" She never says it in a mean tone, always light-hearted, so it doesn't bother me.
I prefer to put my diaper on in private. Although we both have to get ready for work about the same time. So She's sees me in my diaper everyday. There are times when traveling or visiting family that I have to put my diaper on in front of her in the room we have to ourselves. She is not bothered by it and never comments so for me it is not that big a deal. I am fortunate that she knows I don't want to wear diapers I have to and she appreciates that it keeps her and the bed clean and dry.
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