Email Club


Staff member
Everyone had some really great ideas here, so I wanted to post my next idea with how we will do things. I want to create a blank template for everyone to use potentially *they can add or change it if they wish*, and if they have a preferred method of communication. The safest way would potentially be to stick to email/zoom as suggested, and how we would begin this theoretically is through PMs/Messaging. This would allow other people to pick and choose who they communicate with, and how. My goal here is to form other connections and see if we can meet new people.

Template Idea-Feel free to tweak

Type of incontinence: (Day/Night/Stress/Mixed, etc)
3 Fun Facts about you:
Preferred communication method (Zoom, Forum, Email, Telegram/IIRC)

To get the ball rolling, I will begin with mine

I have mixed incontinence, predominantly daytime incontinence.
I enjoy reading horror books, playing PC games, internet chat, reading medical books, hiking, and listening to music.
I have 13 tattoos currently. My favorite season is fall, and my favorite current video game is Undermine.
My preferred communication method would be email or anything text based due to one of my chronic illnesses, but that may change in time.

Feel free to comment below, reach out if interested as well. Thank you everyone.
Hi @Koigal, that sounds really do-able but I will need a little time to think of some answers like fun facts, hobbies, type of music I like and preferred method of communications which is email and private message.
So, please watch this space for more!!!
billliveshere said:
Hi @Koigal, that sounds really do-able but I will need a little time to think of some answers like fun facts, hobbies, type of music I like and preferred method of communications which is email and private message.
So, please watch this space for more!!!

I will keep my eyes peeled, no worries. I think this method will allow people to pick and choose who they want to communicate with. In addition, if other people want, I know there are ways to create a different email for this specific purpose as well.
what tattoos do you have?. I honestly always wanted one of a butterfly as a tribute to a friend I lost to suicide, but I'm too scared of the pain. lol. I guess when it comes to pain I'm a bit of a baby haha
@emily91 feel free to send me a PM any time and I can discuss that with you further. The pain honestly isn't bad for tattoos depending on where it is located, but I think everyone here could handle the pain. Its typically more like a sunburn. I think if it important to you, you should go for it!
Could do Skype as it doesn't put a time limit on calls like zoom does on their free service.

It's like 45 to 60 mins per call.

Skype is free and unlimited and can do group calls but without a time limit on calls like zoom has.

Skype can do voice,video,and normal text chat in group calls.
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