
Staff member
We are looking for US Women Ages 30-70 who have fecal incontinence to participate in a 45-min marketing research Zoom interview. It's a confidential interview with a female moderator to talk about your experience with bowel issues. Issues can include leaking stool, uncontrollable gas, urgency, finding staining or stool in your underwear.

If you are interested, please contact Christina Iannella ( with the following information:

Preferred Payment Method: Venmo/Zelle/Check?
Please confirm that you do not have any of the following:
Crohn’s Disease
Post-Partum Fistula
Anal Fistula
Anal Prolapse
Birth Defect that causes these symptoms.

If you know of any women who would be interested, please forward them my email. We are offering a $25 referral fee if you provide someone that qualifies/completes an interview.

PLEASE RESPOND ASAP, Interviews are being conducted June 10-17th.

Thank You!

Christina Iannella
The Women's Health Center
I’ve done things like this before, that were advertised here on this website, and they were always scams. I never got paid. No way I’m doing another one.
Hi Snow, I'm very sorry that you've ever felt scammed. I personally suffer from urinary incontinence and understand the fact that everyone is a skeptical these days -as they should be! This is just a simple marketing research project (that I'm involved with) that is not a selling situation at all. We're just trying to understand women's journey, struggles, and symptom management with FI. Market research is certainly not for everyone, but I can attest that this research is directly benefiting many women suffering in silence. Wishing you all the best! Christina Iannella
I identify as male but have female anatomy (ftm transgender) and I have some fecal incontinence. So I probably don’t fit in your study. Not much is done for folks like me. Good luck on your study.
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