Early morning GI appointment. Progress.


Staff member
So had my GI appointment at 8 am this morning.

She is going to try me on a different drug (Lubiprostone) to try to replace everything else I am on. The medication is for people with IBS/D IBS-C (irritable bowel syndrome/disease, Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation)

She also put in for me to see the rectal surgent again.

She has looked at everything and feels like the medications I am taking are not working and wants to try something else to see if it works better. The (Lubiprostone) has a few side effects so I have to let her know right away if I have any issues or if I have issues once I stop the other medications.

She is hopeful that this will work better but now knows that things are very bad and understands that I may not be able to go back to work ever because of what is going on.

What she feels is that I might have functional IBS/D and not be able to properly process my stool due to the bowel surgery. So if we try is medication and a few other things then she will have to look into listing me as IBD with all the other things I have as well.

She also said that the next time I go to PT was going to be trying some new things which I already knew we would see if I have any sensation so she wants me to go to PT before seeing the rectal doctor so.

All it was a good visit but way too early in the morning for my liking.
Well here's hoping that new meds will be the answer and that you'll be seeing a positive difference really soon! It sounds like you GI doctor is a real keeper and she is really working for you!!
As for the early morning appointment, the good thing is it gets the doctor visit out of the way early so you can have a more enjoyable rest of your day!
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