dr visit


Staff member
I have to go to the dr on thursday. Its for a full check up. She knows about my my bladder issues. I wear a diaper all the time. I wondering if i should just wear one tom. Im also completly shaved. It could be imbarrasing. But my gut tells me to just go for it. What do you think?
I agree. Just wear what you wear everyday. If the doc already knows about you issues then there is nothing to be Nervous about.
Wear whatever diaper, pull-up, w/plastic pants combination you may need. What if you're caught in a traffic jam, can't find parking, have to have an unexpected test and whatever. Don't be embarrassed. All of my MDs know and didnt care ever. Their only concern is your health and how they can improve it.
Definitely wear what you wear normally. All the above stated reasons are correct but also, you really want your doctor to know the whole truth and exactly what you are having to deal with. If you minimize the issue by wearing something less than needed then you're just under-representing the true problem. They can't help if they don't know. Best wishes
I had to go to a dermatologist last week on an unrelated matter, and I debated whether or not to put my continence issues on the intake sheet. I ended up mentioning it, and that I have an adverse reaction to anti-cholingerics. The nurse asked me what they were, and we briefly discussed my issues. When the Dr. came she was very friendly and only after addressing the reason I came did she ask if I have an issues associated with skin breakdown or hygiene.

There was no judgement, and I didn't leave feeling embarrassed that I was wearing a pullup. You should wear what you normally wear. If you don't you are going to be stressed out the entire visit.
NoCans it sounds like you have a very good and thoughtful dermatologist! That's excellent that they would think to ask about potential skin issues associated with your incontinence.
Definitely wear what you normally wear.....don't go unprotected. It would be irresponsible of you to have an accident in their waiting room. They shouldnt bat an eyelash at somebody in a diaper. They see it all the time.
My experience has been that the more professional I treat medical practitioners, the more likely they are to treat me professionally. Intake forms are there to give them all the relevant information to treat me effectively.

It took me a while to get used to putting 'incontinence' on medical forms. It seemed so final. But once I learned to accept it, it made sense to inform my medical providers right away. So now I always put it as one of my medical conditions.

I recently had a full body skin check at my dermatologist by a new doctor at the office where I have been going for years. Before she left the room to let me get undressed I told her that she should be aware of the fact that I have bladder issues and that I will be wearing protection during the exam. She thanked me and asked me to speak up if there was anything she should do differently to make me more comfortable.

I told her ahead of her discovering my diaper when examining me. That's the normal, courteous thing to do. And yes, it's embarrassing to me, even after all these years of dealing with my incontinence. But part of what comes with being incontinent is the responsibility to let others know before an embarrassing situation arises.
dan723 said:
I have to go to the dr on thursday. Its for a full check up. She knows about my my bladder issues. I wear a diaper all the time. I wondering if i should just wear one tom. Im also completly shaved. It could be imbarrasing. But my gut tells me to just go for it. What do you think?
Dan, Realizing that your doctor visit has long since passed,I agree with the replies to your post reaffirming that you should just wear what you always wear, and to do so for any future doctor visits. But you made another comment about being completely shaved. No one commented on that. If it is not too personal, is your shaving for hygiene reasons? Wonder how others feel about shaving for hygiene reasons?
I prefer not to shave in my genital region because it is very sensitive and I'd be concerned about getting a rash.
I am allergic to razers so I don't shave. Why do we stress so much over dress? Think advertising is making too much of an impact sometimes. Comfort dress and whatever drip dress is required cause keeping the blood pressure lower than those high whitecoat symptom and stressed over dress BP readings will ease stress on the kidneys which can ease symptoms.
I just went to my uro dr and wore my diaper.I also keep genital area short trimmed the dr,s have seen everything plus if I have a accident then i,am covered.Ha
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