Do you feel damp all the time?


Staff member
This may be a dumb question but I am struggling with a lot of vaginal and urinary issues. I know I am having some slight incontinence. However, I feel damp ALL of the time. My Urodynamics did not show any type of leakage. I have tried medications but could not tolerate them and they didn’t help with the dampness. I just finished PTNS and it did not work. My urologist next wants to do Botox or bulking agents on my urethra. My question to everyone is do you all feel damp all of the time? I can’t figure out if the dampness is coming from urine or my vagina. Can any of you recommend any other tests that might help determine if and why I’m leaking. My concern is doing Botox or the bulking if this constant dampness is not from urine. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated. The doctors I have seen have not been very helpful. The amount of urine I am leaking appears to be minimal and I can’t understand why I feel damp all of the time.
Not all the time but when it's warm and I sweat I feel damp and change more often even if I haven't had a wetting accident.
Hi, @Missy63, It's not a dumb question at all! If something concerns you then by all means ask! I'd go with sweat, too, since it's summer. A powder like Total Body Medicated Body Powder (I think I got it at Wal-Mart) may also be a good investment. It comes in an almost mustard-yellow canister and absorbs moisture. It may help you feel drier during these hot summer days.
When the Botox worked on my incontinence, I realized I was still wet much of the time. I realized I have a lot of sweat in my genital area (as well as my head). No answers for that. Just another delightful little fact about my lovely body!
@Missy63 Hi Missy. I’m sorry you’re experiencing such trouble. First, I totally recommend Botox. It’s a godsend. It will definitely stop leaks so then you’d know if it’s urine or vaginal discharge.

Second, you should also be seeing a gynecologist about this. You may have prolapse going on. Does your name mean you’re 63 years old, or maybe born in 63?

If you’re 63, you’ve likely gone through menopause and may be headed toward vaginal/uterine prolapse, especially if you had multiple children. Kegels can help slow/prevent the prolapse process. You’d want to do proper training with a physical therapist to make sure you’re doing Kegels correctly.

If you were born in 1963 and are 57, you probably just went through, or are going through, menopause. At that time many chemical changes take place. The thicker vaginal mucous discharge we’re accustomed to our whole life changes to become thin and runny. It’s still there, but it’s more the consistency of urine. So you may just be experiencing vaginal discharge.

Is there a urogynecologist in your area that you can see? There are none in the entire state of Utah, which baffles me. There were plenty in Los Angeles. I think a urogynecologist could really help you identify the fluid/moisture correctly.

Also - men, close your ears. Missy, I assume you’ve read throughout your life, as have I, in books and magazines, that we ladies should sniff our panties once a day to have a general sense of our healthy vaginal odor, so we know if/when it doesn’t smell healthy and an infection may be present. If you don’t do that already, give it a try; it will help you identify if the liquid is vaginal or urine. Does your dampness smell like pee? Vaginal discharge? Sweat?

As for dampness being from sweat, yeah, that happens, but it feels very different than dampness from vaginal discharge or urine from the bladder. Sweat is usually between the thighs and vulva, not inside the vulva like urine or vaginal discharge. And sweat smells very differently.

So my main suggestions are Botox, a urogynecologist, and sniffing. Sorry to be gross but hey, we’re animals.
LeeC said:
When the Botox worked on my incontinence, I realized I was still wet much of the time. I realized I have a lot of sweat in my genital area (as well as my head). No answers for that. Just another delightful little fact about my lovely body!

I sweat a lot on my head too!! And this is why I’m concerned about not doing anything drastic if it’s just sweat!
billliveshere said:
Hi, @Missy63, It's not a dumb question at all! If something concerns you then by all means ask! I'd go with sweat, too, since it's summer. A powder like Total Body Medicated Body Powder (I think I got it at Wal-Mart) may also be a good investment. It comes in an almost mustard-yellow canister and absorbs moisture. It may help you feel drier during these hot summer days.
snow said:
@Missy63 Hi Missy. I’m sorry you’re experiencing such trouble. First, I totally recommend Botox. It’s a godsend. It will definitely stop leaks so then you’d know if it’s urine or vaginal discharge.

Second, you should also be seeing a gynecologist about this. You may have prolapse going on. Does your name mean you’re 63 years old, or maybe born in 63?

If you’re 63, you’ve likely gone through menopause and may be headed toward vaginal/uterine prolapse, especially if you had multiple children. Kegels can help slow/prevent the prolapse process. You’d want to do proper training with a physical therapist to make sure you’re doing Kegels correctly.

If you were born in 1963 and are 57, you probably just went through, or are going through, menopause. At that time many chemical changes take place. The thicker vaginal mucous discharge we’re accustomed to our whole life changes to become thin and runny. It’s still there, but it’s more the consistency of urine. So you may just be experiencing vaginal discharge.

Is there a urogynecologist in your area that you can see? There are none in the entire state of Utah, which baffles me. There were plenty in Los Angeles. I think a urogynecologist could really help you identify the fluid/moisture correctly.

Also - men, close your ears. Missy, I assume you’ve read throughout your life, as have I, in books and magazines, that we ladies should sniff our panties once a day to have a general sense of our healthy vaginal odor, so we know if/when it doesn’t smell healthy and an infection may be present. If you don’t do that already, give it a try; it will help you identify if the liquid is vaginal or urine. Does your dampness smell like pee? Vaginal discharge? Sweat?

As for dampness being from sweat, yeah, that happens, but it feels very different than dampness from vaginal discharge or urine from the bladder. Sweat is usually between the thighs and vulva, not inside the vulva like urine or vaginal discharge. And sweat smells very differently.

So my main suggestions are Botox, a urogynecologist, and sniffing. Sorry to be gross but hey, we’re animals.
Hey missy you might have other issues but if you have good insurance they are likely to pile on tests and treatment so just be ware before doing all sorts if things.
Snow thank you so much for your very detailed and thoughtful response. I am 57 and have gone through menopause. I have seen multiple doctors for this including a Urogynecologist, a urologist and my regular gynecologist. None of them have been able to help. I have been slightly leaking since about 2013 and get by with panti liners only. What is so strange is this just started happening a couple of years ago.

I am on vaginal estrogen therapy so I wonder if that could be contributing to this. But I got off of it for a month to see if that would help and there was no change.

I do have some prolapse. I’m currently doing pelvic floor therapy for all of my issues. My PT and one of the doctors thought a pessary might help. It did not unfortunately.

I have done the sniff test. Most of the time there is not much odor at all but I don’t have the best sense of smell.

It’s just weird. All of a sudden I feel damp all of the time. I’m so uncomfortable. Damp all of the time and can’t get any relief from it.

I love your answer by the way! Have you done Botox? If so, did it cause retention?
Missy try making a small pad of a white cotton washcloth that feels comfortable in your underwear.
The cheap white COTTON wash cloth not a fancy type, it is much more absorbent than the disposable pads I have used one rolled in a hotdogs shape when I had a uti that was making me leaky
The gentle sbsorbent quality was what I liked.
Honestly, I am sitting inside with a/c and minimal exercise in the hot weather and get wet under my bra my head or thighs
@Maymay941 I wear deodorant/antiperspirant under my arms, under my boobs, and in the creases where my thighs meet my pelvis. This helps tremendously with sweat and odor. Somewhat surprisingly, doing so has yet to upset my vaginal balance.
@Missy63 I’m relieved you liked my answer! I thought it might be too yucky. Wow, it sure sounds like you’ve tried almost everything! Good for you for being exhaustive in your pursuit of answers and solutions! I’m proud of you!

If it’s sweat, I find that shaving all of my pubic hair really helps. As for Botox, yes, I’ve had the injections a few times, and they’re the absolute best relief I’ve had in the past five years of trying just about everything. Post-Botox, I’ve had no retention issues and have never needed to self-cath. My doctor made me learn how, just in case, and it’s no big deal; it’s much easier and pain-free than when they do it!

Botox isn’t an extreme procedure; it’s not surgery. It’s just a catheter and a needle. It probably only takes 1.5 minutes total. It hurts, a lot, but I prefer the brief pain compared to accidents and diapers 24/7, and teeth-rotting drugs like Oxybutynin.

To give you some numbers, for at least three months after Botox, I have:

1. less intense urges/spasms - almost no hyper-intensity compared to my standard 30-60 seconds to make it to a toilet - after Botox I have 30+ minutes to make it to a toilet,

2. dramatically reduced polyuria (from 40x/day down to 10x/day),

3. zero daytime accidents,

4. decreased nocturia,

5. zero nighttime wetting in my diaper. Then the next two months, I may have a slightly wet diaper at night every second week, but nothing that soaks my bedsheets.

In months 4-5, the Botox gradually wears off and so do the benefits.

I can’t recommend Botox enough! If I could afford the injections consistently, I’d receive them consistently. Some years I just can’t afford my out-of-pocket max, which has sometimes been as high as three rounds of Botox injections! I know some people get an infection afterward. I never have, but my urologist always prescribes three days of antibiotics afterward to prevent an infection.

Truly, Botox is no big deal. Every day, millions of people the world over get it injected all over their bodies. It’s even injected in the eye for certain disorders.

I’ve had Botox injected in my forehead, neck, and trapezius muscles to prevent migraines - again, total miracle. I go from a near daily headache and several crippling migraines per month, to zero headaches for at least a month, then about one mild headache per month with zero migraines for six months. Botox is really awesome stuff!

It’s a teeny, tiny amount of fluid for a major, life-improving payoff. Just think of how much it helps an actor’s face look younger! It does the same thing for the bladder! It smooths everything out.

Well, I hope that may help you decide. Keep us posted about what you continue to try and any results you experience. I wish you success!
Snow thank you for the information about the Botox. I’m going to discuss it with my Urogynecologist when I go in a couple of weeks. You really have given me some good information to think about.
Missy63 - I've had the same thing with sweat all my life. In my younger days I called it "glistening". When the daytime temps get to 90 F. I start sweating all over and turn on the fan. In my pants it feels like pee but it's sweat.

My head also sweats a lot, like my dad and his mother did. Wearing a skirt helps to not trap heat in my lower body. When necessary I wet a dish towel and drape it around my neck to cool off. That works very well. When I'm working in my yard on a day when the temp is 75 to 80 I also put a wet cloth on top of my head and a cap over that.

I try not to take anything medically except acetaminophen and thyroid (low thyroid runs in my mother's family) and B/P meds. I'm not happy that the medical people prescribe a synthetic pill instead of any natural remedy. I've found that they are mostly clueless about alternative solutions, but when I ask about something (praise the internet) they never discourage me from trying it. I started taking medicine for high blood pressure when I was 65. That runs in my family, however I believe my B/P rose because of interrupted sleep due to five years of an early morning paper route!

The incontinence and prolapsed bladder also ran in my mother's family. Also skin cancer in my dad's family, which I've had because of my youthful sunbathing. And various cancers runs in my family too. It helps me to know my family history so I know what I can expect and whether or not to do anything to mitigate the outcome.

All the women in my family lived to their late 80's but my mother lived to 95. All the men didn't make it past 70 except my mother's brother, 93 and both died of stroke.

I've found that I can deal with my problems better knowing that I'm not the only one and there is someone to talk to who an empathize. Sites like this help tremendously in figuring out what to do and to not feel alone. I had a "mole" pregnancy in 1963 and when the gynecologist said it was rare I was devastated. But then I learned of five other people in the same state who had the same thing. So, though rare, I wasn't alone. That knowledge actually helped me to cope with it with a positive attitude.

When I was 17 years old and chastised my mother for her "affections" with my dad's best friend, she asked me, "Do you think you're the only one with feelings?" What an awakening! My own mother had feelings. Other people were like me! Comforting and scary at the same time
@ritanofsinger I appreciate you opening up to share some of your stories with us. I had actually never heard of a molar pregnancy until you just spoke of it. Then I read about it. I’m sorry you experienced that.
Thank you Snow. The tumor was an exceptionally instructive time in my life and over the course of the next four years and three full-term pregnancies I learned to appreciate a lot of things that I had previously taken for granted, like the devotion and wisdom of my late husband.
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