Do you ever...


Staff member
Strange turnabout. I lied down without protection the other night for what I though was few minutes. For the next two hours I dozed lightly waking every thirty mins or so. Finally I got up and diapered and lied back down finally drifting off for the rest of the night and a solid sleep.

My first question is "do you think you will ever sleep deep without protection?"

Second question, thinking about things diferently now, i realize that not only do i appreciate the security of bed time protection but am coming to enjoy [crazy i know] bedtime and diapered sleep. How far i have come. Anyone share similar feelings?
That's good to hear. I sleep without any protection. My issue is when I am active or exerting any effort.
It is interesting. I was 100% incontinent and wore a comfy dry 24/7 with 2 pads for a year and really enjoyed the uninterrupted sleep. In August I had a an AUS implanted and activated the end of September. I am now getting up every 2 hours during the night to empty my bladder. I think it depends(no pun intended) on how wet you are getting.
Funny you should mention this. i think about it almost nightly i wait umtil 3 or 4 am in a light sleep waiting the inevitable which is only when i start to sleep deeply. Getting up for a late pee in the tpilet only delays sleep. i dont get a deep sleep in diapers especially the comfort dri which the bulk distresses me.
i have a mat called a peapodmat from.Amazon the doesn't scrunch up recommended by a kind person here. i have found i layer it with a thick bath towel and place an end between my legs. it wicks away urine and i put everything in the washer in the morning. Thos works quite well gor me to pull the urine away and i can rearrange or even replace the towel on a light sleep. Every single product leaks for me.Otherwise in diapers I feel the liquid urine build up in the diaper or on my skin and have distressing sensations of wet creepy fingers or growing slithering vines crawling on me in a disppsable diaper.Loss of deep sleep is one of the worst things.
the few times I fall asleep in my lounge chair in front of the tv, or dose off on the couch during the day Ive learned not to go without my diapers on.
I must wear overnight protection and mornings require a clean change in my protection.

Maymay I wonder if one of those quick dry camp towels would work better for you.
@Maymay941 When I switched to quality plastic-backed briefs because the store bought brands were uncomfortable and not absorbent enough the bulk took some getting used to but when my issues are flaring up the extra security they provide is very helpful.
To answer the question usually I have more daytime issues than nighttime issues but when my daytime issues are flaring up I wear protection at night
Second question, thinking about things diferently now, i realize that not only do i appreciate the security of bed time protection but am coming to enjoy [crazy i know] bedtime and diapered sleep. How far i have come. Anyone share similar feelings?

I get a more restful sleep knowing I wont wake up to an embarrassing mess. Do I enjoy wearing them? Not really as they make me feel like less of a man but The security is worth it, even if I only have a problem on rare occasions.
I never had issues with wetting myself during 'naps'. I pretty much have to be in an all night deep sleep to wet the bed.

However one funny incident did happen once. I was traveling with my wife and a very good friend. We had a red eye flight back from the west to east coast (US). I forced myself to stay awake on the plane during the flight since I was only wearing my boxers under my pants. Wife suggested I wear an adult pull-ups just in case, but I was a grown man. No need for that. LOL.

So I dozed a few times, but no deep full sleep. Plane landed for a connecting flight around 4 a.m. YEAH. I kept it dry for the flight. Waited for connecting flight and wife suggested I might want to go to the restroom and put that pull-ups on for the next flight. I had on in my carry on thinking I might put it on after passing through TSA check but never did. I told her, its a shorter flight and I'll pee before boarding. She reminded me that I had been up for almost 24 hours by then and that I tend to wet in my sleep more when over tired or stressed (true statement). I, macho man, again said no I'd be good and no worries.

We boarded the next and final flight and I was still just wearing my boxers under my pants, pull-ups was in my carry on still. Took off and was very sleepy, but I managed to stay awake for most of the flight. Dozed a few times but never deep full sleep. Woke once not sure LOL was trying to descreatly check my pants for dryness LOL. Thankfully we landed and my boxers, pants, and seat were total dry. Whew.

Then the drive home. Wife drove (her car) friend in front passenger seat and me in back. Not being engaged in the convo I fell asleep...I mean really asleep. We arrived home and the woke me. Drowsy and not fully aware I woke and got out the car and then felt that awful wet feeling in my boxers. I was like no no no no. I can't be. Looked down and sure enough there was a wet area on my pants. Not a total soaking, thankfully, but a minimal and noticeable wet area. I had peed myself a little on the drive home. My wife was like, no worries surprised it didn't happen on the plane. My friend, who knows of my bedwetting issue, was like so what dude. Thankful for understanding wife and friends.

So as to your first question, I apparently didn't deep sleep until I was in a situation where I felt comfortable. On the plane I so should have entered into a deep deep sleep having been up almost 24 hours and then over 24 with the final flight. I didn't wet myself until I was in an environment where I was surrounded by trusted people, wife and friend who knew I bedwet.

Second question. Well I do not enjoy the fact I should wear protection during times where I might fall asleep, but I know that had I been wearing a pull-ups I prob would have been more at ease. Might even have slept on the plane, and prob peed the pull-ups. So I agree that I do appreciate the fact that I can wear protection just in case and will probable will on future flights. Now how does TSA deal with people wearing protection. LOL
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