"i will always feel that such a condition is a defect in my body because it is. it is something i would prefer to not have. i do my best to hide it whenever necessary."
Being near sighted is a defect in people's bodies too. My niece has cystic fibrosis, definitely a defect in her body. I have two different blood disorders that cause me to clot uncontrollably. These are all 'defects in our bodies', and definitely things we will prefer not to have. That doesn't inherently mean it's something we hide, and none of these are things we feel shame about.
Most people with glasses aren't bothered about it. Not anymore anyway. It's been a long time since the '50s when school bullies were calling people 4 eyes for wearing glasses. Social norms have evolved with respect to that corrective device. Ask yourself why that is.
Is it because people were ashamed of their glasses and hide them whenever possible, or because they slowly stopped treating it as a source of embarrassment, and the concept lost its power as a source of shame?
You can handle it whatever way works for you, but don't mistake your personal feelings for the reality of the way the world works. Diapers are only a dirty word because we make then that way, and collectively allow the narrative to be colored that way. You don't have to take up that fight, but don't tell other people how the rules work.