Diapers at work


Staff member
I’m not sure how much help or advice I need so this might just be a rant. I work in a small room with a just a couple co workers. Luckily the bathrooms are private and I bring a back pack. I still just get so embarrassed to take a back pack with me when I go to the bathroom for changes. I dread being asked about it. Luckily I wear something thick enough to last responsibly well by the end of the shift. But my pants are not perfectly dry by then 😔
Welcome Benfrank.

I get your desire to not worry about the questions. Rants are a definite thing and you are free to do so here. It is not easy being a man with a need to take a bag to the bathroom. I find ways that help me like - I rather not leave my bag with you guys, my gun is in there (only acceptable in some states/places), or other excuses. There is no easy or simple answer and it is all about how you feel/want to explain/etc. At the end of the day, women do not ask (as far as I know) why they take their purse with them, why should men? Just tell him none of their business and deal with your needs? This is so easy to type, so hard to do in real life.

Just know you can come here and make comments without judgement. You have a need, and we are all here with you. Not a simple thing for sure, but you are not alone.
I wish I just wasn’t embarrassed about it and could be open not care what someone thought. I end up causing more discomfort from embarrassment than anything. Public changing is my nemesis
Nothing is foolproof, but I wear something like a dress shirt over a t-shirt or golf shirt as a shield from the sun when its not cool enough for a sweater or a windbreaker. I hide a clean brief under that and carry it back to my office with the old brief rolled up and inserted into the sleeve. It depends on how closely you are working with the others, but this helps me. Good luck.
When I am working in the office, I have been asked about why I have my backpack going into the bathroom by a coworker. I didn’t like that at all. My almost complete fall into incontinence has occurred since COVID however. I am going to be working from home for the foreseeable future. I feel that if an when I have to report back to work in the office, it is going to be tough since our people to bathroom stall ratio isn’t good in our office. There is often a line to get a stall! I wear diapers during the day and night now mostly due to loss of bladder control that has happened more re. Before, I wore also due to bowel issues that caused occasional urgency and accidents. All of this is due to autonomic neuropathy.
Benfrank said:
So this is new stuff for you Casey?
the bladder incontinence is more recent. Bowel incontinence is less often, not all the time, but has been going on longer.
Actually aren't bum bags and fanny packs the same? A good idea for someone in @Benfrank or @caseywor's situation. From what I've seen of fanny packs, they may be able to hold one diaper or pull-up, plus a few wipes or whatever. But if a fanny pack has the capacity you need I think that would be more discreet to use at work than taking in a back pack. So if you can come across a fanny pack, then try it! :D Then again, if I saw someone at work or wherever go into the bathroom with a backpack what's in it is none of my cotton-pickin' business! If they wanted to tell me, fine. But the way I see it, live and let live! And @Benfrank when you've been at this incontinence business as long as most of us here have, you just develop that "I'm just going about my business" attitude if someone asks. Unless they're a good friend or there's a really valid reason for someone to know, otherwise it's "none of your business" and just go about yours! But guess what, a lot of people have to go into public restrooms all the time to change. It's easy to feel you are the only one, Lord knows, we all did at one time or another. But just be cool about it :cool: And when you go to change just go in the normal manner so as not to call undue attention to yourself. Just be yourself! I hope this thread has helped you and if you still have concerns, then we are right here!
Try putting a Male Guard pad inside your diaper. Then instead of changing the diaper just take an easily concealed pad into the bathroom and change the pad. It's super quick to do and generally doesn't make much if any noise. Be sure to take a small folded up plastic shopping bag with you so you can discreetly dispose of the wet pad. I've done this many times in the situation you've described and it works great.
Good advice but I would use a zip lock for odor. Also a small bottle of poo pourri can fit in fanny pack. I yhink I can prbly get 2 diapers and 2 pads in one, along with a sml bottle of poo pourri and a Butterfinger candy bar!. But I recc what Padded53 said, just change pads. If you feel better, keep only one diaper and 2 pads in fanny pack. I do this everytime i kayak
If you get asked about your backpack, you could simply say it's got your medication in it. Alternately, you could say that it has extra socks, and you like to change socks partway through the day to keep your feet dry. Or you could say that it has your superhero costume, and you never know when you'll need to change into it to save the world.

I've always worried about being asked why I'm taking a bag into the bathroom, but I've never actually been asked.
@caseywor OH MY GOSH!!! I can’t believe someone actually asked you about taking your backpack to the bathroom!!!!! HOW RUDE!!! I would never do that.

I guess if you feel annoyed with someone who asks, you can always shock them by saying you have porn magazines in your backpack for a daytime release, so you can concentrate all you energy on your work, lol! The receiver of such a statement would surely be so astonished and uncomfortable that they would likely shut right up! It’s nobody’s business!

I’m glad I’m a female and can take my purse to the bathroom without calling attention to it. I do feel bad for dudes in this regard. Women have garbage pins on the wall of every stall (for menstruation products), so it’s easy to dispose of diapers privately inside our own individual stall. Women’s restrooms also usually have huge garbage cans near the door, in part because it’s women who most often go into their restroom to change their baby’s diapers.

I remember the good old days when I didn’t have to take my purse into the office bathroom unless I was changing! I do hate when a stall doesn’t have a purse/coat/backpack hook on the back of the stall door. Holding a purse on your lap while peeing is hard to accomplish - granted, I carry a large purse.

@Benfrank I think wearing a fanny pack at all times at work is a good idea, though they’re not popular at this particular moment. You could also buy a coat with big pockets, then keep a diaper(s) in the pocket(s), and take your coat in the bathroom with you. Might be less unusual than a backpack? Three seasons of the year here in SLC, wearing a coat is common.

Oh oh oh - even better than a coat - how about buying a sport jacket(s) with big pockets (preferably on the inside) and dressing like that at work? That wouldn’t work at every job, particularly jobs that require a uniform.
I quit my job because of all this. It was way too noticeable with all the realtors in the office and one toilet. It made my life too hard
,to have to deal with people who could not help from noticing. I had a girlfriend who grabbed my butt and asked me if had a diaper on. Believe it or not we are not good friends anymore. This is a problem for all of us and we just have to keep
Up our spirts and be there for each other.
That super hero costume that @ltapilot suggested is my favorite! That would get 'em to shut for once and for all!!! After all you can't expect to change the world without changing into your costume!!:D And also that socks ploy will work. That's a pretty good one, too! I always say it's better to have a lot of socks than none!
Things to tell your co-workers about your backpack...

It's actually your lunch sack... You like to have a snack while sitting on the can.
It's your homework... you're taking some college classes.
It's porn magazines...
It's the back-up "Nuclear Football"- you're actually a member of the secret service.
It's your make-up bag... You want to freshen up to look nice for your co-workers.
It's a bag of "None-of-your-damn-business"
It's your cleaning supplies... You're a germaphobe and you fear what's living in there.
@MikeD9876, I'd go with the "Nuclear Football," after all the hoo-hah that's going on in Washington these days, what's there not to believe??!!:D Knowing me, I would probably reply with the "None-of-your-damn-business" bag. Cleaning supplies? That would work because most public bathrooms (even those in workplaces) can be pretty gross places too!:eek:
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