Wondering if anyone can recommend a good disposal bin. I have an akord currently and it's very flimsy, the trap door that's supposed to contain odors isn't effective. Thanks!
I have tried several different disposal containers over the years I tried different versions of the Diaper Genie I had a Diaper Dekor and I was thinking about an Ubbi at one point you can use some baby diaper disposals for adult diapers the problems you can run into is capacity and the size of the opening the Diaper Genie's were okay but you had to empty it quite often and it used expensive bag liners I tried the Diaper Dekor which is basically a smaller version of the Akord it too uses an expensive bag liner sleeve but it will also accept 13-gallon tall kitchen trash bags so I used scented 13-gallon bags well the Diaper Dekor is built rather flimsy and the door kept popping open and the odor control flap broke of within the first month of use, another problem with all the plastic diaper disposal containers is after long enough use even with using scented bags and liners is the diaper odors will permeate into the plastic which is why I was looking at the Ubbi which is made of Stainless steel but at a cost of about $80.00 and I have seen the Akord selling between $75.00 and $150.00 I continued my search for a suitable aolution after looking around and weighing the pros and cons I found The Mainstays Stainless Steel Motion Sensor Trash Can at a price of $46.96 with it being stainless steel that should help keep the odors from permeating and with it being a 13 gallon capacity it will hold more I use the 13-gallon scented trash bags and I have one of the little tree car air-fresheners held on the inside of the lid using packing tape I like the Black Ice scent
I have tried a bunch also. Metal is the way to go when it comes to a diaper disposal system. I to have a Walmart style motion sensor 13 gallon trash can. I use the sented trash bags also. You will get some smell by not as bad as the plastic bins. I also use the single plastic diaper sacks that are sented for extra containment and odor. Works out perfect.
Mit selbstschließendem Schwingdeckel Mit Müllbeutel-Klemmrahmen 4 Anti-Rutsch-Füße
As garbage bags I take heavy duty garbage bags. They have the advantage that there is hardly any odor defunded by. Since I also dispose of my wet wipes in the bucket smells there little to nothing because they also neutralize the smell.
@JohnKane01851 Get a metal trash can or bin and then put some baking soda at the bottom. Works well with the odor just like it does with a fridge or freezer!