

Staff member
How many of us think about death or the end of life? I dont know why but I am always thinking about the end and wishing for it to come. It’s very sad but it doesn’t make me sad, I struggle with impulse actions but want to be liked by everyone!! Wish it would end today!!
Honestly I have done a lot of counselling to deal with death and end of life primarily due to my diagnosis of MS. Too which I have recovered tons following my diagnosis considering I couldn’t even walk back then and was basically bed ridden for 3 months. I went on an antidepressant and I have to say once I found the one that works for me it has helped out immensely. From what you wrote I would say you should seek medical attention as it’s not a good sign to write that way.

I don’t know your exact situation and exactly what you are dealing with other than incontinence lol. Please respond on this board and or private message me. I do not want you to do anything you may regret. End of life is something that has to be completely thought through and bounced off of several solid connections. Honestly I don’t think you are their yet as you have contributed greatly to this board. Most likely you are having a severe depressed mood which fortunately does lift quite quickly as I have been there....
I don’t know that I think about death and wish for it to come. I don’t usually feel totally connected to life. I don’t know what I’ve said on this forum, but 30 years ago, I was in an accident with my fiancé and he was killed 12 days before our wedding. Very often, my first thought when there might be danger is “oh. Maybe this will be it and I’ll be with him again”. I’m not suicidal. I wouldn’t necessarily say I want to die, but I’m not having all that much fun here. That’s how I took what you said, Pete. Counseling might not be a bad idea. But I’m 63 and ever more aware that the end of my life is closer than ever. And I don’t have a spouse or kids or grandkids to give me something to want to live for. And as I get older, it’s only going to get worse. Hang in there, Pete!
Hang in there petejc and if you aren't getting counseling you should seek it or contact a hotline such as (800) 273-8255 If you are already seeing someone then reach out to that person, or a family member or friend. As you can see this online community is here for you as well. I know it can be difficult at times and everyone's situation is different but you can get through this.
I can say that a year ago when I suddenly became incontinent my excitement for life disappeared. I have been lucky to have access to medicine, Doctors and therapists that have worked to help me manage my depression. Life isn’t perfect, in fact I still generally find it difficult. There are small things now though that make me laugh and smile. Hopefully I find more things. I do hope you have support you can reach out to. I have found everyone on this forum to be supportive and understanding. I’m sure things are tough I’m hopeful you can find support that makes it more manageable.
Hi Buddy. Check your private messages.
Ps i like you. And so do a lot of people benefit from your company.
To Petejc,
I highly recommend taking a step back (no pun intended) and get in touch with one of the many outreach programs available. Agreed this incontinence pill is a BIG one to swallow. A short bit of my history: In 1987, After taking seven years of working and going to school, to get my Masters Degree while building my businesses. I was finally not only reaching, but blowing away many of the goals I had set & revised since I was a kid.
Out of nowhere a gravel truck slammed into me on an exit ramp breaking so many parts of my body the surgeons could barely figure out where to start. This left me in horrible, chronic pain and both bladder & bowel incontinent. I was so mortified I sold all 5 automotive & motorcycle shops I had worked so hard to start and build, I just couldn’t be around anyone other than my ex-wife (NOW) and my healthcare team. Understand in 1987 there were very few options other than very bulky cloth diapers & plastic pants, catheter was a no go!
A very, very long story short I have had an “AMAZING” life since! I’ve travelled the world, sailed the Mediterranean & the Caribbean, got my pilots license and ridden most of America on my Harley’s. After a period of mourning the loss of my old self, I realized, maybe “I” could be a better person. While figuring out what I could still do physically & emotionally I got busy living, and have never looked back.
Surround yourself with good, smart people and get busy LIVING! Suicide is one of the most selfish acts a human can do, get with some folks that can help you realize life is the greatest gift ever given!
I wish you nothing but the best!
Hi Pete,
Having depression can really be rough. I take meds for it and that has helped tremendously. So what’s going on to make it worse? Having incontinence doesn’t help, boy do I know that. But having everyone here seems to make that part of my life more tolerable. Thank you for your post. I hope and pray things get better for whatever is going on. I pray for all of us Here who are struggling and our host NAFC and the folks who stepped up and have made better products for real life. If you feel like Sending me a private message please do. I can be a good listener if you need it just want to vent, that’s okay too.
Be well my friend. You aren’t alone here and allot of folks do care.

Jim in Maryland
Hey Pete. depression is no stranger to me. I’ve been visited by it quite often since a teenager. I also take medicine for it but damnit life sometimes just brings old friend depression back. I attempted suicide some years ago. Obviously it didn’t work. Let me tell you it’s hella embarrassing when they give you so much charcoal that you crawl to the bathroom and don’t make it. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do was call my parents and tell them what happened. Did things get better? Yea for awhile. Then I broke my ankle in 4 places. Then I had 7 surgeries. Then my leg got amputated. Do things suck? Yea sometimes. Yesterday I leaked all over my bed because I wore a pull-up instead of a diaper to bed. Then I ripped my pants. Add about 4 other shitty things that happened. But today? I had coffee and a meal with my cousin from California. I got a new comforter and sheets. My diapers didn’t leak! So basically what I’m trying to say is please hang in there. If you ever need to talk reach out. Please.
Pete - here is part of a timely email I just got from my prosthetist. Maybe it will help you as it helped me. Things change. Tomorrow is a new day. If not tomorrow next month. Hell maybe even year. We care about you man.

“I remember during my prosthetic residency, I was shadowing a practitioner who told a new amputee who was receiving his first prosthesis that day: “especially in the beginning, there are going to be good days and bad days. There will be days that you want to just throw this leg in the trash. When you feel like that, just step away and get a fresh start tomorrow.”
Ive long struggled with varrying degrees of depression and suicide ideation. As a teen, i "attempted" suicide on a couple of occasions. I now work around death, I work in a morgue, I have a new perspective because of this. "As long as you are breathing, you can make your station in life better, once you die, your story is set in stone".
Seems like a good and honest outlook on things. Negative loops, like feeling worthless or it’s hopeless are really hard to break but for myself at least if you really look toward the positive things that have been part of our lives or that we have succeeded in, it makes things more manageable and more tolerable.
Petejc said:
How many of us think about death or the end of life? I dont know why but I am always thinking about the end and wishing for it to come. It’s very sad but it doesn’t make me sad, I struggle with impulse actions but want to be liked by everyone!! Wish it would end today!!
I hope you got help and am on the path to improving. I have had much in the way of depression and anxiety. I am much better now with the help of a good medication. I am also fairly newly urinary incontinent. I am in diapers again full time, not pull ups but full on diapers. It is scary as hell for me right now, but with the improvements I have made psychologically, I am handling it much better than many would. I say this to let you know help is out there and can change your outlook and life despite this. For me, being a 45 year old man who is otherwise self sufficient and active is tricky when when I think about the fact I have to wear diapers. However, for the most part, no one knows. What goes on in my pants is my business. I am pretty well soaking some high capacity diapers a few times a day, I am just proud to say with the proper help I am going to handle it. With help, just know so you can too!
I certainly understand where you are coming from. I was not prepared for now starting the 6th month of incontinence after removal. Hang in there.
Sometimes I do but now I'm stable on medication for anxiety and psychosis I don't tend to as much.

I've had a few close suicide calls but stopped before I could finish.
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