DEPENDS pressed-on flimsy seams open up. Depends blame my stick-on pads!

All I've seen is your anger and frustration with suggestions. So since I have no magic idea to resolve the issues and no wish to be swatted down on suggestions I have not participated in offering ideas beyond the Tena brand.
Maymay941 said:
All I've seen is your anger and frustration with suggestions. So since I have no magic idea to resolve the issues and no wish to be swatted down on suggestions I have not participated in offering ideas beyond the Tena brand.

My anger with suggestions? Give me ONE example of that. Frustation? We all get frustrated, and especially when I have tried to hard to describe in great detail my entire situation, and I got well-intentioned responses that suggest the same things I've stated don't work for me.

Swatted down? That's extreme and I really don't want to be attacked on this forum by you, so please refrain from any such further comments.
AlasSouth said:
Olwi: I had believed that "3 hearts" was a high rating, along with a thanks. I have done a few 2, never a 1. If it intellegent and well-meaning, and inclusive (meaning, there was acknowlegement that it didn't necessarily work for all of us), give it a 3-hearts, whether the idea/tip worked for you or not.
We also learn what comment works by getting a "so-and-so voted your post up".

Thanks, AlasSouth, but you didn't give me an answer on how to simply vote up a post in the green box.
@AlasSouth, That explanation of the "3 hearts" works for me! I usually don't do just two or one heart. For me, they get the full 3-heart treatment if the post is really relevant, has good intentions and is overall helpful, whether it pertains to your particular needs or to the needs of others.
olwi said:
Depends doesn't even show on their site ANY diaper with "full tape-up", yet alone called Protection with Tabs.

Sorry, but I strongly disagree about such diapers. They are a nightmare. I've commented on them before. They are about 90% impossible to get around your body and attach the "tape-up tabs". And if you're able to accomplish doing so after 20 minutes of torment, you stand up, and they simply come apart!

Sorry, none of that garbage for me. These ill-begotten designs are meant for bed-written, nursing home incontinents who can't hardly move, yet along get out of bed. This way the "workers" (I'd hardly call them nurses)can push the patients over on one side; place part of the diaper there, then push the patient over it to the other side, and yank the other side of the diaper under their side, then pull their bodies around to get their torso in the middle, and put those hideous straps together.

The ONLY way the straps hold for any length of time, is that the patient is just about totally stationary.

Pull-ups are far superior to this utter garbage.

Please type the following into your web browser, it will take you directly to the Depends page that I am talking about...
Depends Protection with Tabs

I truly don't understand why you feel that tape-up diapers are a "nightmare" and so difficult to attach the tabs. Is it possible that you had the wrong size? I suspect that most of us here that don't have a significant physical disability do this multiple times a day with no problem. I simply unfold the diaper, put the back portion behind me and back up against a wall to hold it in place. Then pull the diaper up between my legs and pull one side around and attach the tabs, then do the same with the other side, takes me about two to three minutes and it will be the same for you once you've done it a few times.

Here's another point, most decent diapers have an inner liner that keeps moisture from laying directly against your body, it seems to me that a wet paper towel would be much worse as it has no such barrier.

FYI... Virtually all pull-ups and diapers are made with a combination of wood pulp, not actually "paper", and a material called SAP (Super Absorbing Polymer) as a filler. Generally speaking the better garments have a higher percentage of SAP to Pulp. The SAP locks in moisture permanently, the pulp not so much.

As others have said it is usually cheaper to use fewer, but better quality diapers. If I am understanding correctly what you want is a very inexpensive pull-up type diaper that holds a lot and never leaks. I don't think any of us here can help you with that one, but if you find such a thing please let us know. Two other very good high quality pull-ups are the Abena Abri-Flex and the Molicare Mobile, these are very similar to the Northshore pull-ups and probably are more expensive than what you are looking for.

I have tried my best to answer your wants directly and hope this may help bit.
If someone ever invents a pull-up that is inexpensive and holds a lot and NEVER leaks, then the world will beat a path to his door! That will be the invention of the century!
Nah. It will be the second invention. A cure for arthritis will be first!
Seriously, during the Exxon Valdez oil spill, we used a then-new material (looked like cloth, felt like soft nylon fibers) as a absorbtion product. It's a different physical process than adsorbtion. (I hope I have that in correct order.) Expensive as heck. Recently, saw what looked like the same thing being sold as square sheets for cleaning up oil spills at home, garage, places like that, price is down.
Crude oil is very sticky, very thick (or, at least Alaskan crude is). So I'm not sure it would work as a "pad".
Maybe some engineering or science person here can tell us if it might be useful.
Padded53 said:
olwi said:
Depends doesn't even show on their site ANY diaper with "full tape-up", yet alone called Protection with Tabs.

Sorry, but I strongly disagree about such diapers. They are a nightmare. I've commented on them before. They are about 90% impossible to get around your body and attach the "tape-up tabs". And if you're able to accomplish doing so after 20 minutes of torment, you stand up, and they simply come apart!

Sorry, none of that garbage for me. These ill-begotten designs are meant for bed-written, nursing home incontinents who can't hardly move, yet along get out of bed. This way the "workers" (I'd hardly call them nurses)can push the patients over on one side; place part of the diaper there, then push the patient over it to the other side, and yank the other side of the diaper under their side, then pull their bodies around to get their torso in the middle, and put those hideous straps together.

The ONLY way the straps hold for any length of time, is that the patient is just about totally stationary.

Pull-ups are far superior to this utter garbage.

Please type the following into your web browser, it will take you directly to the Depends page that I am talking about...
Depends Protection with Tabs

I truly don't understand why you feel that tape-up diapers are a "nightmare" and so difficult to attach the tabs. Is it possible that you had the wrong size? I suspect that most of us here that don't have a significant physical disability do this multiple times a day with no problem. I simply unfold the diaper, put the back portion behind me and back up against a wall to hold it in place. Then pull the diaper up between my legs and pull one side around and attach the tabs, then do the same with the other side, takes me about two to three minutes and it will be the same for you once you've done it a few times.

Here's another point, most decent diapers have an inner liner that keeps moisture from laying directly against your body, it seems to me that a wet paper towel would be much worse as it has no such barrier.

FYI... Virtually all pull-ups and diapers are made with a combination of wood pulp, not actually "paper", and a material called SAP (Super Absorbing Polymer) as a filler. Generally speaking the better garments have a higher percentage of SAP to Pulp. The SAP locks in moisture permanently, the pulp not so much.

As others have said it is usually cheaper to use fewer, but better quality diapers. If I am understanding correctly what you want is a very inexpensive pull-up type diaper that holds a lot and never leaks. I don't think any of us here can help you with that one, but if you find such a thing please let us know. Two other very good high quality pull-ups are the Abena Abri-Flex and the Molicare Mobile, these are very similar to the Northshore pull-ups and probably are more expensive than what you are looking for.

I have tried my best to answer your wants directly and hope this may help bit.

You did not include a link at all. But here is a link that semi-supports your claim of wood pulp and SAP in BABIES' diapers. It also makes some very salient points about many toxic material in diapers, and says there should be full disclosure of what components diapers contain.

And, it specifically calls out Pampers as the worst in avoidance of disclosure.

Arrgh! The Mystery Ingredient May Be Toxic
Vexing to us is the lack of disclosure by many manufacturers about what, exactly, is in the diaper that they expect parents to place on baby's skin 24 x 7 for the next 3-5 years. We urge you to buy from manufacturers who offer complete transparency in their diaper ingredients. It is safer to buy from manufacturers who are not afraid to disclose their ingredients. The biggest brands, Huggies and Pampers, are often considered the most guilty on this score, but they are far from the only manufacturers who limit their disclosure of materials.

Some of this lack of disclosure is allowable by our government, such as Fragrance ingredients, which can be considered a proprietary trade secret and exempt from detailed disclosure. As reported in the Huffington Post and elsewhere, "…due to the 'trade secret' status of fragrances, manufacturers are still not required by the FDA to disclose their ingredients on the label or in any other way." As a result, a manufacturer may bury dozens of potentially toxic chemicals under a "Fragrance" ingredient listing. For this reason, and others (see below on Perfumes), we urge parents to buy Fragrance-free diapers only.

The fact is there are potentially harmful chemicals that are known to be present in some disposable diapers, including chlorine, dyes, fragrances, phthalates, and more. We advise relying on the Skeptic's Rule of Thumb when it comes to potentially harmful ingredients:
If they don't say it's not in there, then assume it's in there.
Unless a manufacturer explicitly assures you that their diaper does not include a potentially harmful ingredient known as common in diaper manufacturing, we advise you to assume it does. To simplify the process, we've attempted to compile a list of material disclosures in our Disposable Diaper review.

As far as Protection with Tabs, I used FIT RIGHT L shaped diapers with tabs, and they are exactly the living nightmare I described. Yet, FIT RIGHT makes the quality stick-on pads I use. And the couple of paper towels I'm using are highly useful, as I described what they do, i.e. absorb urine the pad would otherwise absord, or, with penis shifting upon movement and during the sleep, would ruin the plain garbage Depends.

I've thoroughly examined the insides of Depends Fit-Right (about the top diaper), and there is no way this is "wood pulp and SAP". It is simply literal garbage that does nothing but clump together, stress the thinnest liner that is humanly possible to make and its joke of attempting to make a "seal" so the stuffing won't break through, when their intentions are the opposite -- make the cheapest junk possible that can last for a short time, and then bust open, fall all over the floor for you to spend time sweeping up, while you are dealing with a diaper with busted seams that is ready to pour the remaining "stuffing" all over everywhere.

I'll be calling Depends and asking them to provide me with a comprehensive list of all components used in the filling. How much you wanna bet they'll never provide it? And make every excuse in the book that is is "proprietary", "not given out to anyone" --- all this to cover up the fact that it is nothing but the cheapest junk they can legally get away with using. When the real truth is: dispoable diapers don't have to reveal anything about themselves. Lovely US laws.

Here's a French study where they reveal all the nasty chemical, poisons, etc. in diapers:

@olwi YOU’RE OUT OF LINE. You refuse to listen to suggestions. You’re naive. More than anything, YOU ARE RUDE.
What is the big deal about Depends Diapers??? I have tried them before and they are the worst diaper out there today. I find that tape tab Diapers hold more then pull-ups do. I don't care What is inside or What how diaper is made of. As long diaper can keep me dry and doesn't leak ,cool with me. I buy my own Diapers from different places online. I don't have an issues about buying them,yes I wish Diapers weren't that expensive but it What it is. That's my take on this. Depends Diapers, I thought most people in this group didn't care for depends Diapers!!! I read most of the post on this topic and i don't get it??? Can someone explain What this topic is all about!!!
This post is about owli complaining endlessly and arrogantly while refusing to make any actual changes to his protection choices. He has also insulted many members of our community. It’s time for his posts to be boycotted.
Hi @snow, I agree with you 1000 percent! We are here out of the goodness of our hearts to help others in our similar situations. We do it because we like to help and we do it in the spirit of helping fellow humans face obstacles by giving our complete support. If I ever ran into a problem that's even more major than what I have I would appreciate all the support and suggestions that are offered. And I would be thankful there is a place to do that. That wasn't possible several years ago. We are here to build one another up.
snow said:
This post is about owli complaining endlessly and arrogantly while refusing to make any actual changes to his protection choices. He has also insulted many members of our community. It’s time for his posts to be boycotted.[/quote

You state false accusations. I have not "insulted many members of our community." In response to your mean-spirited and false statements to attempt to have my posts "boycotted", when your claims are totally false, is that your posts be boycotted.'

I've never "insulted" you, and yet you come after me, which is beyond shameful.
Interesting. This thread came into my mind a couple times over the workday and I was thinking similarly but then thought "it's probably just me". hhmmmm.... seems it not just me..
Tim said:
Interesting. This thread came into my mind a couple times over the workday and I was thinking similarly but then thought "it's probably just me". hhmmmm.... seems it not just me..

No, Tim, I'm glad that you can see the vitriol and lies hurled at me with threats to boycott my posts.

Posts that I spent considerable research in finding out (with links to support them), and this is the abuse I receive in return. And particularly from someone named Snow who has obviously decided she/he despises me, probably for stated highly-detailed problems I have, and what researching them has revealed regarding the toxic and inferior products that are the majority of what most everyone on this site use.

So, ask yourself, who should be boycotted? A sincere poster who wants to provide as much information as possible for others, or a poster who calls for boycotting my posts? The answer is obvious.
billliveshere said:
Hi @snow, I agree with you 1000 percent! We are here out of the goodness of our hearts to help others in our similar situations. We do it because we like to help and we do it in the spirit of helping fellow humans face obstacles by giving our complete support. If I ever ran into a problem that's even more major than what I have I would appreciate all the support and suggestions that are offered. And I would be thankful there is a place to do that. That wasn't possible several years ago. We are here to build one another up.

I'm really shocked that you would agree with Snow, when all along, you have VOTED UP nearly all my posts. What is the problem? My spending considerable time finding out about toxicity of over 60 substances found by a French study in diapers? I'm doing exactly what you are praising - "we like to help and we do it in our spirit of helping fellow humans face obstacles by giving our complete support."

If you up-voted and responded positively to my many posts, something doesn't ring true here at all in this post of yours, suddenly making a 180 degree turn, and supporting the vitriol of Snow?
I really think this particular thread has run its course. We have tried our best to help but for some reason the message has not gotten through. I won't speculate on why or who's fault it is. That's not germane at this point. Nothing is being accomplished by all of this name-calling. That's not what we are here for. We are not going to sit here and point fingers at each other all night. That is a supreme waste of time and accomplishes zero, zilch, nada!!! So everyone, let's just put a lid on it. I'm thoroughly done with this thread and its infighting that's happened from Day One!
I am not advocating boycott anything. What I am saying is My thoughts today were that you are totally hung up on the quality of depends and seemed short with people in your writings. What I think numerous ones and I know myself were trying to show is a different way of thinking about the protection that you are using. When one has to wear absorbent protection all the time many have learned it takes experimentation to find what works best for you. What works best for me may not for you. But you seem hung up on the poor quality of depends products. I think what many (myself included)tried to convey is "yeah and?" meaning if one has worn diapers for any period of time it rapidly become apparent that even though depends has name recognition it seems many know they are at the bottom of the pile in absorbency and quality and there are better options out there. What I read was that you were not willing to explore what else is out there, while being short with people.
Example: tape on diapers. They are not only for people who lay around and don't move. I wear tape on diapers with plastic backing. Why? Because I learned through experimentation I have a very hard time wearing pullups overnight. I am a heavy bed wetter and even a high capacity pullup has a tendency to leak for me. Wearing a properly applied tape on diaper it is very rare for me to leak on the sheets. It happens but rarely. It should be noted it took me numerous tries to learn to put on a diaper correctly. Like many things in life repetition (practice) make things go better/faster.
One of the reasons in an earlier post I did all the math was to try to help all of us see that sometimes the sticker shock product is actually the better value.
Having to wear diapers all the time, be sure you have a restroom "plan" etc is not fun for anyone. But I am thankful there are many good quality product that protect me and my possessions(mattress, sheets, clothes, etc).
I will leave it with this. My recommendation is to let depends be what they are. They don't work for you. (they don't work for me either) Take a little time and do some experimenting to see what works best for you. Maybe that is a more expensive pullup, maybe its a different brand of less expensive pullup, maybe it ends up being a tape on diaper. You are your limiting factor, the product is waiting for you to find it and use it.

I'm hardly "short with people". I give courteous and meaningful responses in just trying to HELP and disseminate information about the diapers that apparently no one wants to hear.

I've had many positive green ratings on my posts. For one poster to basically defame me into a monster, I'm not the one with the problem.

Glad the tape diapers work for you. They didn't, as I previously said, didn't even stay together for more than a few minutes. Perhaps it is the brand. Mine were Fit Right.
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