DBmethod endorsed by NAFC?


Staff member
dbmethod.com has a machine for strengthening pelvic muscles gluts. A statement flashes its endorsed by NAFC
Machine costs 29.95
Saw on Facebook
Addendum, I saw the ad again and its priced at 41.00 per month total is 229.00 and I dont see the NAFC endorsement.
Did I hallucinate????
Geeee, I dunno, @Maymay941! Or maybe you just had a weird dream! I haven't seen anything like this. Is it "our" NAFDFC that endorses it? What kind of a machine is it? At first blush, if I saw something like that, I would wonder if there is something much simpler and less costly I could do instead. Otherwise payments would be made over a five-to-six month period. I'm thinking maybe kegels or something of that nature. Of course we all know kegels can be done anytime and any place without anyone knowing it. And it won't cost you one red cent! I don't know where they got the $29.95 from either. Guess we'll sleep on it tonight as it's getting late!
The ad talked about strengthening the pelvic muscles and core but the weird thing apart from the low price was a sign that flashed on briefly saying "endorsed by NAFC". I actually played the post over several times because I thought who would know what NAFC meant except members here?
3 weeks after my operation a friend sent me the attached from Mayo. It has been very helpful in helping me understand what I needed to do in order to get the most out of doing my Kegel exercises. Keep on Keepin on everyone...Rayl Arizona
Hi Maymay, I re-read my post to you and realized I typed in NAFDFC.:oops: I hope that wasn't confusing but truth be known, I just can't type worth beans! I think my brain goes too fast when I type and fingers just can't keep up! Either that or my fingers (slender to begin with) are still too big for the keyboard. You know I get a lot out of being in this great group. I wonder if there is as good a forum somewhere for someone like me who is a lousy :(typist??? (National Association for Lousy Typists?)
As to your other question, I don't think NAFC is exactly a household word and probably only members would appreciate the endorsement. Presumably what you saw didn't spell out what NAFC means either nor did it have that block logo at the very top of the page?
I am baffled. I dont think I hallucinated NAFC endorsement or if I did it's the beginning of a very interesting life change.
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