Kegel exercise machine/device for men


Staff member
Can anyone recommend an exercise machine/device for men that has been helpful in strengthening their pelvic floor muscles. I would like to find such a device to add to my Kegel exercise regimen each day.
Please let me know, I would love to find such a device that you believe has actually helped you. I have looked on the internet, but most of the devices are for women? Thanks.
The best “machine/device” is seeing a physical therapist to ensure that you’re exercising the correct muscle.
I will admit I never looked into any type of assistance for pelvic floor muscle exercises. So I would understand completely if you disregard this.
I do agree with @snow. If you can't find that muscle on your own I would get help to be sure you are exercising correctly. (kinda like getting assistance at the gym for the correct machine/motion for the correct muscle). That being said. If you can "find" that muscle on your own I have found for me just working it a few times each at different times of the day.
I guess the 2 easiest ways to know if you have "found" the muscle. (1) for me clenching your sphincter like as if you are trying to keep from having to go #2. When you clench that muscle you can feel it at the base of your penis. I can feel it move my testicles at the same time. (2) if you have an erection and can make your penis move up and down by clenching that same muscle you have found the right muscle.
For me if I clench that muscle 6-7 times in a row and hold it for just a little while that's enough for me to quit. Maybe you can do more or less but that seems to be about my limit.
A caution it is a muscle so if you over work it you'll know. We want improvement but not at the cost of another problem that could be self created.
There is another one that’s on Amazon I tried. They help strengthen pelvic floor muscles. It works okay over time. Just start out on a low setting for the power. Especially with new batteries
@jrpoorman Can you provide the name and link to it?

Also - how many weeks or months did you use it and are you still using it?
It’s called iStim V2 on Amazon. If you don’t have a vagina then you need to order the anal probe. It looks like the one on what you posted. It’s not uncomfortable unless you put new batteries in and try to use the higher power settings. Trust me you will know if that happens. Unless you like being shocked. Just follow the directions and over time it helps some.
I have been using the K fit for about 2 months now. I had radiation before surgery so I may not be similar to those of you who did not have radiation. I can say it definitely causes a proper keegle and uses the correct muscles. I can't say i see much improvement, but remember I had radiation. If you are looking for a device to force the correct keegle, this one is terrific.

On a 20 minute cycle it does a proper keegle every 5 seconds and continues it for 5 second. So it's 6 keels a minute or 120 keegles when you finish.

Per my therapist that's plenty for one day. It does require an anal probe, but my wife is a nurse to help on that end.
@Anzivino How did you find out about the K Fit? Do you go for pelvic floor physical therapy and they recommended it?
I found it through my own research, but I mentioned it to both my Urologist and the physical therapist and they both believed it was a good idea. From what I can tell in trying to figure out what a proper keegle is, this does contract the appropriate muscles. It's a bit pricey, but if it works it's the best 20 minutes a day you will spend healing yourself. This is all IMHO and no-one else, albeit I did stay at a holiday Inn, if that's the right place?
Sorry, it's that stupid commercial where someone says they aren't a doctor or scientist, but they stayed at a holiday Inn. My Bad. Sorry to confuse you.
@Anzivino I received my K-Fit Kegel Toner this morning (Friday December 11, 2020). Which programs are you using?

@Back2fishing I just received my K-Fit Toner this morning and used it for the first time. I ordered mine from Amazon for the fast delivery. I ordered the couple because it came with the man and woman plug for just $10 more. From looking up the SensaTone, it use something like the woman plug for the man. I included a link for the K-Fit user guide so you can read about the programs - also it is easier to read the pdf on a computer than the small font booklet.

I am at 11 weeks from my Prostatectomy. I am using 3 pullups plus 3 pads in 24 hours. I am not dry at night, but varies between 3 to 10 ounces.

Look at this thread to see where Kegel machine / toner for Men

So you can read from the maker website.

Scroll down on the below page to see the "User Guide" button in purple.

I ordered from Amazon and signed up for Prime for 30 Days.
I feel bad for guys that you have to use the anal probe: looks uncomfortable. Did you say you gave yo keep it in for 20 minutes? Egadz. It’s the rare occasion when having a vagina is a plus, as is the case for using this device.

@thudson1965 Keep us posted about how it goes.
Back2fishing--I am using program #10 which has 5 seconds on and 5 seconds off, the identical timing recommended by my physical therapist. You are doing well because I am 6 months out from surgery and am averaging 10 ounces (lowest) or higher per day. I can only dream of a 3 ounce day. I'm positive I will be having either sling or AUS surgery in the Spring, but I 'm still trying to get to a much lower leakage by the time of surgery.

Best to you.
I think a combo of using the device and doing the regular exercises would produce an optimal result. That helped with my back physical therapy - as much as anything ever helps back pain, which isn’t much. But the combo of TENS plus physical exercises was better than just one or the other.
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