

Staff member
look, i dont feel i have anywhere else i can say this because i have many blessings. But i am so sad tonight. I heard a video of people at a wedding singing Stand by Me and ive been crying ever since. I think ive been very loyal and am so alone anyhow. Peeing sll night every nig&t it feels like my body is crying if a tie in to in incontience is needed
Hi MayMay,
So sorry you feel sad. We love you and all that bring to this community.
Wish I could give you a hug but you will have to settle for a virtual one right now. Hang in there okay ((((()Hug))))))
Been there, a number of times for a number of reasons. The great thing is that you can have those feelings. They can be a bitch, but oh, what if you were one of those poor souls who didnt?
Crying is venting, it's cathartic, and it's probably neccessary tonight. Hug a big pillow and imagine it's all of us.
Hi Maymay, I know how some songs can really make one emotional. I think Stand By Me is one of them. Miss You Like Crazy is one that does it for me! But please remember this, You have us and we are with you every step of the way in this community. Please keep talking to us when you need it and know we are here for you - always! And I think you can use another virtual hug! (((((hug)))))
I'm so sorry. You are always ready to encourage and help others in this forum. We can be here for you.
I have been down that road, don't keep it in, crying will let your mind vent and we all give you a big virtual hug, like jrpoorman said. You have all of our support.
MayMay, your posts and responses are always to positive, kind and helpful to others. I wish I could send that positive vibe right back to you tonight. This to shall pass and tomorrow will be a new day. I hope you wake with a smile on your face and happiness in your heart knowing that you have helped many of us in this group and, I'm sure, many others. Peace my friend.
MayMay you are always so positive. Crying sometimes is the best cure. Let it out. Wish I could be there more for you. Times will get better. And like a grandparent once told me if you are going through hell don’t stop just keep moving. No point on dwelling on hell it has to get better at some point sometime. Just keep moving.

Big hugs.

I understand how you feel as a teenage guy I would wake up and cry because I was so disgusted with waking up every morning wet. I cried about having to wear diapers every night until high school then cry regularly after that having to deal with flooded sheets, blankets, and pillows. I was 15 when my mom put a plastic cover on my pillow so I now had a noisy pillow to go along with my noisy plastic mattress cover. Yes plenty of crying. Add to that I was getting terrible sleep due to waking up in a flood in the middle of the night and having to deal with that. I only put up with it for less than a year and put myself back in nightime diapers.
I’m thankful now as the issue is pretty insignificant. I still wet nightly but control it with diapers. I suppose once I discovered it was a neurological problem I quit getting myself down about it. I know so many people my age today with problems more serious that my issue is not very important.
@Maymay941 It is okay - You have been a comfort to so many, let us be a comfort to you. Curl up have a good cry and let the feelings out. Know that tomorrow your forum friends will listen and understand.

You are not alone and we are not alone because of your encouragement and strength to let us know it is okay to cry and to say ( type ) it here.
Hi Maymay, it's tomorrow and I've continued to think about you. I hope that the sun is shining where you are and that you can go for a walk and think of the many good things in your life. I wish you peace.
Hi Maymay, Just checking in on you today and hope things are better for you. You are always here for us and now we're still here for you. I like the advice right up above to just go for a walk. Everyone here knows I'm a big one to advocate walking not only as good exercise but it's great, cost-you-nothing therapy as well! So enjoy it and think of the blessings you receive as well as the ones you give all of us! Hope you have a good day with sunshine and comfy temperatures! :D
I cried from reading your heartache. Then I cried more when I read all of the love poured out to you from so many people. I felt the love and it wasn't even aimed in my direction. It was aimed straight at you and your good heart maymay.
MayMay, I can understand your blue feelings. I went through a bad time in my life when I was raising my four children and had a reasonably good life but seemed to be crying over everything. I finally got in touch with the mental health clinic and joined a support group which helped me overcome my sadness. I learned some valuable coping skills there.

My first encounter with crying "for no reason!" was after giving birth the first time, the post-partem blues as it's called. Later when I learned about that I decided the next three times to take a book to the hospital with me. I picked one that I knew would touch me emotionally so that I could deliberately cry and that worked. I often told my kids when they were sad to just go to their room and think of all the things that they could that would make them sad and just cry about it. It gets stuff off your chest and it helps you to get a grip on what's really important.

The same thing with anger or like emotion. My mother never allowed my sister and I to scream or be unnecessarily loud. One day when I was about 11 years old I was very frustrated about something. I asked my mother for permission to go into the back yard and scream! She said okay. So I did. It was quite a relief and caused me great laughter. The best part of it was that my mother understood.

jwh51, Like you I've had some great advice from grandparents. Actually it gives me great hope for our new U.S. President-Elect.
Thank you all who replied here.
Music can really move me. Stand by me sung at a wedding was just too hard a gut punch.
You all are truly the kindest I know, as a group.
Hi @Maymay941, music really does have that power to move you and it's really amazing how that works. It's just like some people can write things that also have that power to move one to tears. One person I know can do that to me. It's just words arranged in a certain way but it's just the way your heart receives it. It's really hard to explain. And it's wonderful we can be moved in that way.
I hope you're having a good day and that things are going well!!

(((( ))))
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