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Hi I had prostate surgery done by a robatic arm on the 28 October 2020,they removed my prostate and I'm leaking a LOT,I do my Kgel exerciseand if I do other exercises will it effect my Kgel exercises?
Yes. Lay on your back and position one knee up and bring your other leg up and rest that ankle on your raised knee. Gently push your crossed leg/knee. 10 seconds. Change legs. Repeat ten times ! It will strengthen you hip muscles which will in turn strengthen your ability to do Kegels better .
Same surgery for me August 2020
I think the more exercise the better, including walking. They say squats help, but you will be soaked when you are done. Had my surgery Oct 28th 2019, dry at about 12 weeks. Patience and exercise are yourb2nbest friends. Good luck.
Thanks,I think that I don't have enough patience,my wife says that I have to give it time for everything to heal inside my body
Smart woman, it's major surgery. My groin area was numb until about week 6, that when I think Kagles actually started working.
I did / do planks, both straight and sides. Helps strengthen the core which helps with controls abdominal pressure causing leakage.
Yes you do not want to push anything in your groin area. give your body a break and take it easy. I wanted to kill myself the first few weeks, but just resigned myself to a truckload of pads, and when it started getting better, and I was getting warnings that I had to "go" it was like Vince Lombardi's team meeting rule, "if you are on time, you are late" but it just kept on getting better.
My robotic surgery was July 6th, 2020. I am just now getting control and almost dry. I am 74 and in pretty good shape. I used the services of a Physical Therapist the last month or so. The ones trained in this sort of procedure are few and far between. My medicare advantage paid for it subject to a co-pay. There is a big learning curve when it comes to learning about Kegel's done the correct way and the pelvic floor muscles. Most men have poor pelvic floor muscle development because they have the prostate glad to do the work. When that gets removed the flood gates are open. It takes time, patience, exercise and prayer to gain control again. Inch by inch you will get it back. For me it was about 5 months...I suddenly realized that I was not leaking much and it has progressively gotten better. I went from Depends 2-3 a day to Guards 2-3 a day to now the Shield 1 a day. When I am out and about I still carry a Guard in my back pocket for peace of mind. I don't really think I would need it but you know what they say..."it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it." Best of Luck...Rayl, Arizona...Keep on Keepin on!
I had my prostate removed on December 15th (Merry Christmas to me) and after a week of pain and bleeding at the exit site, had my catheter removed yesterday. I'm trying to learn all I can about what methods and exercises work to shorten the bladder control rebuild time (I'm not the patient type). I've been using what I believe is a good "Kegel" routine, but find that I'm leaking more than ever. I'm retired and can find enough to do to occupy my time but it involves a lot of sitting. Ironically, sitting stops the leaking, but the minute I stand up again, the flood-gate opens again and it continues until I sit down again. You guys are my heros, so I'd love to hear what to expect from the recovery period and what your suggestions might be.
I started walking as soon as I got the cath out, prepare to be soaked. I walked about 3/4 of a mile 3 times a day. Also did Kagles, although with ever thing numb down there I doubt I was doing them right. Started seeing a little progress weekly. Patience is your friend. You had major surgery and need to heal.
Be patience,I'm Teddy and I was discouraged hell of a lot the first day I got out of the hospital.I had my cath for 12 days,the first few weeks I was leaking hell of a lot,but days does get better.Keep doing your Kegel exercises.I was really down,I'm a school bus driver and supervisor for the company in Rawdon and Joliette ( province of Quebec )and I didn't think that I wouldn't be able to go back to my duties but my specialist that operated on me told me to take it easy,I was supposed to get back to work on the 3rd.of Decemberbut give yourself time,so I'm going back on the 11th. January ( because of the COVID 19 )
some days are okay and others not so bad,but my specialist told me that it will get back to normal,have patience.Take care,do your exercise daily.
A PT therapist that uses biofeedback will insure you are doing kegels correctly. I went for about 20 visits. Really helped.
@meadweil Welcome to the forum.

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Every man has a different story for their recovery. Mine is still unfolding. You will find that the constant drip while standing will diminish over time. The time frame may be as soon as a few weeks to 12 to 20 weeks are more. Doing kegels and walking (when approved by your doctor) has helped me.
One thing that helped me to better understand was to be a bit geeky and keep a log as I replaced pads, time and weight before and after. A simple cooking scale, $20.

It allowed me to chart and see progress in real terms. I was able to predict when I would be nearly back to normal. I had steady progress and then plateaued at basically 1 Depends shield per day, and I am now confident enough to try sleeping without. I have even forgotten to use one a few times. I still feel better knowing something is there to protect against the embarrassment. But at 56 not much embarrass me any more.

1 gram = 1 ml = 20 drops
29.574 ml = 1oz (for those in the USA)
Hi,just to give you a small update,last night around 7:30 P:M I put on a fresh pad and this morning it was dry,I just changed my pad tonight aroune 7:00 P:M so I happy,important to do exercises daily
Congrats on the improvement. It will continue as you get stronger and stay smart. Take it from someone who pushed it too early and went backwards 4 weeks.
Hi,I got a Canadian question,I was just watching the incredeble Dr. Pol the vet for animals and their was a great dane that had problems with his bladder,he was pee-ing to often.Dr. Pol said that he could prescribe a pill to streghten the vessels around the bladder.Now my question is this == is there a pill for us also that could streghten our vessels ?
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