Correlations with food or drink?


Staff member
Prostate cancer was 15 years go, PSAs zero since. On Enablex ever since; it helps. Last winter, a series of symptoms began to gradually increase, had to go to #2 absorbency pads out of 5-scale, most of the time, depending on activity. Had first bad A1Cs near end of last year. Then fell and hit head hard, had to go to the ER, they found brain cancer. Incontinence went up by order of magnitude, went to overnight-pull-ups. After they removed one of two tumors, incontinence reduced over about a 5 week period to using #3 and #2 pads, depending on activity. Night went back to #2, but then it leveled off and increased a bit. They claim remaining tumor benign. Dizziness bad, but over 5 of my meds have that on the warning label.
Have made some correlations, I think: as diabetic, I avoid sugar, but when don’t in evening, incontinence gets worse for late evening/early night, but mostly frequency. Switched to a zero-calorie drink (ICE and Costco’s duplicate); sucralose and/or maltodextrin seems to aggravate it in that it increases urgency a lot, especially when I stand up, to point where it is extremely hard not to leak a bit. Caffeine has more effect than it used to, but not so extreme as that artificial sweetener, so I avoid it after 12-noon. Tested regular soda without caffeine; that doesn’t have very strong effect, but some. Water doesn’t seem to make a lot of difference, unless drink too much. Have to add something like a squirt of lemon because one symptom is water (from any source) tastes like it has soap in it; that’s any time of day.
So, anyone noticed other correlations between food and drink and evening/early night food and/or drink? I’ve never used an “energy drink”.
Hospital changed and added to my prescription meds, added (low dose in evening) Lantus (the long-lasting Insulin). I’ve missed the evening does of insulin; no noticeable effect. None (new or old) have incontinence listed as side-effect. No one smokes, or uses nicotine. My blood thinner (used 4 years) didn't make a difference. I’ve never used an “energy drink”. Use few supplements, and only ones ordered by more than one doctor.
So, anyone noticed other correlations between food and drink and evening/early night food and/or drink?
or medications?
Yes most definitely I’ve noticed huge differences in food and drink choices as far as urge and frequency is concerned!! Caffeine is the worst for me but water is a close second. My mouth is usually very dry due to meds so I am constantly needing fluids thus also constantly having urges and leaks of course. As far as foods go, other than sweets, only the heavier meals(roast,turkey,ham) that sit longer make it worse for me.
Ya that’s very common among us, Dr.’s also seem to think drinking 24-48 ounces of water a day is necessary and we can’t live without that or they get a kick out of us struggling trying to make it to the loo before the inevitable happens!! Anyway liquids are much harder on me than foods.
My doctor told me the "8 glasses of water a day" comes from the Korean war, based on troops working hard in hot weather. So if you live in a hot climate and do lots of physical labor in the heat, do the 8-glasses routine. Have a kidney problem like kidney stones or tendency? Do the 8-glasses routine. There are probably other cases, but ask if you can take most of the water during the first half of your day.
there are certainly foods and beverages that "irritate" the bladder, which means they will increase urgency and frequency: things that you probably drink and eat daily: caffiene is definitely one, so all sources of caffeine: chocolate/coffee/tea/many energy drinks use caffeine as the source of "energy". But also foods like: apples, watermelon, citrus, spicy foods can also irritate the bladder/bowels. so, certainly you won't stop eating/drinking all of those, but may look at the times of the day that you have them, limiting intake later in the day and evening.
Drinking water is critical for overall health: brain, kidney, organ etc. But the exact intake amounts are dependant on what foods you eat, your size/health/exertion output; ambient temps.
I agree with AlasSouth, drink most of the water inthe first half of the day.
I suspect certain foods do trigger issues for some. For me my bedwetting is so random that I have not been able to identify a definitive trigger. However I do notice a higher chance I might bedwet after consuming Diet Coke. Not a for sure I will, but seems to be a higher probability that I might wake wet the next morning. Guess it is the caffeine in it but not sure.

I can drink like 32 oz Power Aid before bed and no issue, on 12 oz Diet Coke and there is like a 50/50 chance I might bedwet. So random.
these are the foods that seem to bother me and make my bladder overactive, coffee, artificial sweeteners, especially diet soda's, any citrus like oranges, grapefruit, lemons etc., also any kind of tomatoes paste or sauces really cause alot of problems, my doctor told me just to keep a journal on what foods trigger my bladder to overact. she said she a women that cucumber cause her bladder overact.anyhow good luck to you
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