Continence Timeline - TURP, then Radical Prostatectomy?


Staff member
For those who have had TURP, then RP, just wondering if having the TURP earlier extended the timeline for continence? I've had both surgeries and while I know it's only been 6 weeks since my RP, just wondering what to expect. First posting here, glad I found this group!
Don’t know your age, but expect incontinence! To tell you anything else, would be a lie. Gonna be rough. Last anywhere from 6 months, up to a couple years. Everyone is different. Do your Kegels religiously. Good luck!

For anyone who has undergone a RP expect a slow but steady progress to continence. For most of us getting to 99% dry takes about a year. I say 99% because coughing, sneezing or lifting heavy objects results in a discharge. The severity of the discharge varies from person to person. I say about “a year” is that everyone’s recovery is different. Listening to other people’s experiences will give you an idea of what to expect but your unique recovery will be dependent on your circumstances.
Thanks! FYI, I'm 59 and in good shape. Taking physical therapy weekly, doing my kegels daily, and walking regularly. Just wondering if the added TURP factor mattered. I've learned a lot here and appreciated the feedback.
The TURP procedure could have provided relief for your sphincter muscles and urethra, thus shortening the healing time and possibly leading to less incontinence. You can only hope.
Hi. I am 66 years old had the TURP procedure approx 1.5 years prior to my LRP. I am currently 13 weeks following my surgery and have experienced slow progress. I began to notice improvement after 10 weeks. My improvement at this time were better night sleep with only one urination. Fairly good control in the AM urinating roughly once per hour but really having to concentrate using my pelvic floor muscles to prevent or lessen stress leaks. In the afternoon and evenings, with more activity, there is more leakage. At this point (again 13 weeks) I am using 2 briefs and 4-6 light pads in a 24 hour period. I don't like the discomfort of heavier pads. I am doing Kegels 3-5 times per day, 10 reps long and 12 reps short/quick. I have cut off coffee and drink decaf tea in the AM. I refrain from alchohol 4 nights/week. On nights I do enjoy a beer or glass of wine, leakage does increase!

So to respond to your question, I think that my experience so far is very similar to those who have not had a TURP procedure, possibly a liitle better. Hope this helps. Cheers.
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