Considering a sling


Staff member
I’ve been told I need the sling. I’d like to ask other women who have gotten one what it’s like? How was the surgery and what is it like after you’ve had it for awhile?
@Bastamor - Okay Bastamor, I will be the dumb one. Not a slam truly, HONEST! - Are you talking about a sling for ladies? - All this time I always thought getting a sling was for the guys. Or are you a guy asking what a women thinks of their partner having a sling? - Pam
@dbtechnics - Just so you know,
I have no idea of how the sling is supposed to works - IF it works or not - But Wow! Sounds like a complete success! Happy for you! - Pam
@Bastamor - Can you tell us the name of the sling and if you feel comfortable - tell us basically the mechanics of how it works? If you are ill at ease with sharing the detail, that is fine. Having
a name would be helpful. - dbtecnics said it was a game changer for his wife. Almost sounds like a miracle. - Pam
My friend got a sling with mesh and it came out of her and she had to have yet another surgery. That happened with both her vaginal mesh and her anal mesh (she had prolapse of both). She said it didn’t even help anyway. To top it off, they left a needle in her. Surgery is risky and I’m not going to put that part of my body through any more surgery than it needs to have. Diapers and pads exist.
@snow - Perhaps you are right. I hope she knows that she can post there if she is uncomfortable posting on the general forum - Pam
@Bastamor - if you are new here, and want a bit more privacy - there is a separate women's forum. Just let us know and we can all talk there if you wish.- Pam.
@Bastamor - Hi Bastamor. - If you do decide to get the sling, please let us know how it went for you and what you think about it. Alot of us ladies would love to know. If you would feel more comfortable post on the women's forum. Though there probably are alot of the men who would appreciate your thoughts for the ladies in their life. I know that I appreciated dbtecnics
telling us how it worked for his wife. Thanks - Pam
It was a miracle for my wife. As soon as she could stand up from the surgery table, she was dry.
We were concerned because the surgeon told us that after the surgery there are usualy two outcomes.
Either you go right after to the bathroom or you will need to have a catheter for few days.
She got the surgery. She woke up, stand up and went to pee right way. Since then all good. 100% dry !
When I was involved in medical billing I would see a fair number of sling procedures, so not as common as cataracts or carpal tunnel but relatively frequent. Success probably depends on the surgeon and what he has to work with.

Good luck Bastamor. And congratulations to dbtechnics wife.
@dbtechnics - WOW! That is Amazing! It was so quick. I truly am amazed. - But, that is so gteat. You weren't kidding when you said that it was a game changer. How wonderful to feel "normal" again. I am so happy for both of you. Thank you for sharing the details. - Pam
All meshes out there have multiple class action lawsuits against them, and with good reason. My ex-husband, Andy, who is currently dying of rectal cancer at age 48, got that cancer two years after getting a mesh implant as part of a hernia repair. He’s been contacted by all kinds of attorneys and encouraged by his physicians to join the lawsuits. I will never put mesh inside my body. Just think about it: think about how gooey fleshy material like what’s inside of you pushes down through the holes of the mesh. Does that sound healthy for your organs or your guts, or does that sound toxic? I would never do it especially now that I know two people for whom it completely backfired and one of whom it’s about to kill.
That certainly sounds very scary. Especially when you have two people with a bad result so close to home. How long is the sling good for? Is it monitored? I don't know. Do you have to have it done more than once? All things to ask your MD - For the 2 people that you knew - how long did it take before the bad symptoms were noticed? Is it too late by then? - I am very happy for dbtecnics and his wife. But, I guess not always a happy ending - Pam
For my female friend who had mesh to fix vaginal and anal prolapse, it was sticking through her vaginal wall and scraping her husband’s penis in less than a year. For my ex-husband Andy, he got cancer two years after getting a hernia repaired with mesh in the same area.
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