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So i went away for awhile, trying to pretend to myself that i dont hsve the incontinence issues i do. Trying to do a sort of ridiculous mind over matter thing. But now as my accidents are becoming a bit more frequent, ive finally switched to a tape i hate it, yes. Do i need it, absolutely. I still try to go in the toilet as oftrn as possible and i hsve no problems with poop so i use the toilet for that but sometimes the extra bit of time it takes to untape my diaper results in an accident or at least a partial accident. But at least no ones the wiser. Im slowly coning to terms with being a young woman under 30 who pees her pants and thr mystery of why is becoming irrelevent. I learned to stop being so stubborn and in denial when i had a horrifically embarrassing accident last month. I had had 3 dry days in a row and so i decided i was doing good and back to panties. I went to a gala type chRity event where everyone dresses up. Feeling like a confodrnt, put together woman, i bought a new outfit: velour leggings and a sparkly top. I had a great time. And then...a dribble out of no where. Shit. My bladder stsrted to ache. The urge had come on so quickly. I almost stsrted to cry as i hurridd to the bathroom with an already wet crotch. My heart sank when i got ibside. 3 women were ahead of me waiting for stalls. I was determined to hold it. I didnt care about their dirty looks as i held between my legs. Another dribble then another. I was quickly losing the battle. I finally rushed into a stall already peeing down my legs. Too late. I left humiliatrd and feeling like a failure. But on a slight positive note, ive stopped being so stubborn and am working on learning to be thankful that i have the option of decent protection for my problem.