I'm 35 and wear diapers to bed now. I hate it but I'm coming to accept it. It's getting to feel a bit more normal to me but I'm only about a month into it. My bedwetting has gone off the charts from 1-2 times a year to almost every night gradually over the last 6-8 months. At this point, I became so fed up with waking up soaked and having to sleep on towels and then wash a huge load of bedding an towels most days of the week. You know what I realized? It's just SO MUCH EASIER to wake up and throw a wet diaper in the trash and get on with my day.
For anyone else dealing with this, who may be new to it, I'd say if your wetting is heavy enough and often enough that a diaper might make your life easier then just consider it and get on with things. It's not the end of the world. It's a little weird at first and hard to get used to but it's the most practical solution I've found.
I have OAB and the meds aren't doing much for me given the trade off for side effects. I'm on my 3rd medication now and if this one doesn't work I'm probably just taking a break from pills. Luckily my daytime issues are mild enough that a "guard" style pad gets me by.