Cardiologist appointment


Staff member
This Friday, Nov. 16th, I finally have an appointment with my cardiologist. It's been a long 4 month road in getting a course of action for my condition. I will be getting the results from the holter monitor I wore for 48hrs. I have been on metoprolol and verapamil for over a month, and they don't seem to be working. I Have gained 5-6 lbs. since I started taking these meds which really bothers me. I have always prided myself on being a fit person...ran marathons back in the day. In addition, my wife is having foot surgery Thursday, and can not put any weight on that foot for a month. As as result, she will not be going with me for an extra set of ears for my appointment. We did ask a good friend to act as a substitute, and she gladly accepted. I had prostate surgery about 20 months ago, so as a result I wear a diaper. I get a little anxious whenever there is a possibility of my diaper being revealed. Although, my friend knows of my incontinence, It still weighs on me. I'm trying to formulate a number of questions to ask the cardiologist, so if anyone has some suggestions I would appreciate knowing. For example, if the meds aren't working, what's next? Thanks for bearing with me for this long post.
Can you record with the cardiologists consent so your wife can follow the conversation at the doctors? Take a notebook,take notes.write a list of concerns before you go so you can have the questions in hand that trouble you now.
If your friend knows of your incontinence and is willing to come to a doctor appointment that is half the battle. This means they understand we are all at the end of the day, vulnerable and human. It could be them, it can be anyone. Be matter of fact and express your need for privacy as the exams take place.
In preparation for doctor’s visits, I write down a list of questiona that I want answered. You might want to give a copy of the list to the friend who will be going with you in order to make sure that all the questions get asked.
I feel for you. There is a lot goin g on in your life right now. I would as would ask him if the meds could be contributing to your incontinence. I am a women age 68 with incontinence which seems to worsen with each year. I had stent put in three years ago and my blood pressure went real hi then real low during the procedure so they had to give me lots of meds in recovery room. Then they catherised me . I have been catherised many times after two C-sections in the 70s and a hysterectomy in the early 90s and one other surgery. I swear that every time they catherised me my incontinence got worse. Many thing can contribute to the problem. a I am trying something new know so we will see if that works. I know how you feel and I hope your appt. with cardi. Dr. gets you some results. I agree with Maymay write down what he tells you and maybe he can recommend someone
that works on male incontinence patients, Good Luck
As a suggestions-check google and ask what questions one should ask. I have found the doctors will answer questions but they have so much going on that they don't offer any common advise. One -everyone is different-two-the less they say-the less chance of saying something not correct. Just something I have discovered in my journey
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