

Staff member
Does giving up Coffee and Pop after Prostate Removal really make that much difference in reducing incontinence?
I’m year and half after RP. I drink very little soda. Maybe 1 every 2-3 weeks, but I drink one coffee every morning. I use one light pad/day and I word 12-16 hour days.
Agreed…I also have an overactive bladder. Have one caffeinated coffee per day and decaf the rest of the time. Also no caffeinated sodas.
@RBG @northof60 @Jimfrompa - Okay you guys. Quite a while ago I posed the question "Where does it all come from? I purposely drank very little to avoid the obvious, even though I knew that it was not healthy. I feared that I would have to give up my second cup of coffee. Until, some wise man on this forum who enjoyed his beer on the weekend - basically said that even though
this condition dictates so much of our life - it doesn't mean that you have to give up everything. Just know that you have to plan for it. And so I have, but do what works for you - Pam
Glad we have a couple new threads going.

I have really cut back on coffee. But likely will do some French Press this weekend, with my daughter and her boyfriend who will be in town for the holiday.

As I finish radiation I am up to 2 or 3 wettings per day. An increase since my last post. But nothing a good pull-up can’t handle. I have to drink a lot of water with cranberry juice in the morning before radiation. Some days I barely need to go after radiation. Yesterday and today I leaked after getting dressed before I could head to bathroom. Also, the last 3 mornings I have awaken 30 minutes before the alarm and need to pee. Even though I was up once or twice already. I really don’t want to lose that last 30 min of rest and I know I will wake my wife. So I listen to news on AirPods and try to lie still. But eventually I end up peeing. Not close to leaking the Go Supreme and when I go to bathroom I pee a lot more. However I feel like I bought myself 30 minutes of additional rest.
Humor for the evening:

This happened early on in treatment. I had my radiation and went to bathroom afterwards. No problem, peed a lot. Then drive 10 minutes to see my son. Looked around his office and then we drive to restaurant and sit down. I said I have to go to bathroom. I walk in to the urinal and the lights are on motion sensor and turn on. I peed for 60 seconds and the lights shut off. I had to grab my flashlight from my pocket to see to finish and zip up! As I moved away from urinal the motion sensor turned the lights back on.
I've tried limiting coffee ( 1 cup per day) and avoiding caffeinated sodas altogether. No noticeable change in incontinence. However, I saw a real effect when I drastically limited carbonated beverages. I try to avoid carbonation whenever I can -- although an ice cold beer on a hot summer day can't be beat!!
Walter said:
I've tried limiting coffee ( 1 cup per day) and avoiding caffeinated sodas altogether. No noticeable change in incontinence. However, I saw a real effect when I drastically limited carbonated beverages. I try to avoid carbonation whenever I can -- although an ice cold beer on a hot summer day can't be beat!!

Thank you.
I have Neurogenic Bladder, so a different diagnosis. Caffeinated coffee definitely makes a negative difference to me with extra peeing so I never drink it after 12:00 p.m. and only 1/3 cup. but drinking carbonation, even with caffeine, makes no difference to me.
@snow Hi snow - given all that you have to deal with, I'm almost surprised that carbonation doesn't bother you. If I do indulge - it definitely makes its presence known. - Pam
@snow Hi snow - given all that you have to deal with, I'm almost surprised that carbonation doesn't bother you. If I do indulge - it definitely makes its presence known. - Pam
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